We have had a fun weekend with beautiful weather. Trick or treating on a warm October evening. The girls and their cousins went house to house in a nearby subdivision and made a haul of candy - I went along dressed in my chef outfit without the horse but with a mouse in my necktie. Sunday we had company from far away - David and Jetta stopped by with Jan this afternoon and Steve smoked some ribs... yummmy.
We had an early lesson on Sat. with Splash, Krystal and Breezy, and Kathy and Caspar. Carol was gracious enough to let us crash her lesson but Shiloh was off on his front right. Hopefully, he will be on the mend and Carol back in the saddle soon.
Splash was sluggish during the lesson and Patty used the lunge whip to help his impulsion so that I could work on getting some give to the bit. He is so difficult to move-out and it is hard to make progress. He is getting a little better with taking direction but still dips his head to the inside to avoid the bit. I love him on the ground but he is very hard to ride. He sure is pretty though....
I am about to commit to riding Pico in the Schooling Show Championships. He is camping at Elizabeth Eaton's pasture and she is planning to ride him at the SSCs also. I am a little worried about the big indoor arena but it might be fun.
So, yaya for now....
Congratulations on qualifying for the championships. Looking forward to seeing both you and Elizabeth riding in this event.