*Here are the rules:
1) Grab the nearest book.
2) Open the book to page 56.
3) Find the fifth sentence.
4) Post the text of the next two to five sentences.
5) Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book or the intellectual one --
pick the closest.
6) Comment with your book info. and
7) Optional Tag five more none yaya people to do the same.
So, by virtue of my blogsend feature (emails to YaYa's when I post) I have sent this to more than 5 people.
Here is my Tag Results - kind of in line with my Galloping Gourmet persona:

OK, Steve made Pancakes from scratch this morning (we are out of bisquick) and left the Betty Crocker's Cookbook (1979
Edition) by my computer.
Soooo, Page 56 has Curried Bratwurst at the top/left.
5th 'sentence' is: Place each bratwurst on 1 slice bread.
spoon about 2 Tablespoons sauce onto each bratwurst..... (Sauce is:
3/4 c catsup, 1 T Worcestershire sauce, 1 1/4 t curry powder, 3/4 t paprika).
Sounds yummy and supposed to be "hearty and homestyle with chilled Potato Salad or (yuck!) Hot Fried Hominy....
Very Interesting and fun game... c