Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Weekend Adendum

The good news is - the weather is beautiful. I really love bright blue skies and cool daytime temps and then get whimpy after dark and shiver waiting for summer. It is after the weekend, but the girls and I went to a lesson last night at Patty's so that their tests could be fresh and Patty could work with them on some improvements. They really listened and rode beautifully. TC and Diez had impulsion and were obidient (mostly) and the girls rode Pax de Duo practice and really had a good time. Meanwhile, Splash and I worked around the edges - my new combo of spurs and whip seem to be helping his response time and we had some decent transitions and minimal neck bending to avoid contact. We all worked on halt/salute transitions to end the session and Splash had some decent stop/walk transitions - of course his any gait/stop transitions are very fast if not anticipatory (no Whoa needed). So lets hope for a long fall with lots of Indian summer days. YaYa.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Spooky Glenbrook - 2008
Thank you Ken and Rita for hosting the 4-H horse club for the Halloween Fun Play Day. We started the events with the parade of costumes and had some fabulous examples to look at. Then we had some games including bean bag toss into the ghost spot, pumpkin juice relay and ride-a-ghost. Ken piloted the hay wagon down through the field fraught with scary sites and some treats. We finished a fun day with grilled hot dogs and pot luck. The day was sunny and cool with the wind from a mild cold front - great for late October.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Rocking C Halloween Show
Thanks to Rita, Patty and Larry for hosting a great show. We had a beautiful day at the Rocking C for the last dressage schooling show before the schooling show championships! Pico gave good rides to Elizabeth and me - we can all go to the SSC if I get the nerve to face that BIG - SCARY indoor arena at the Tulsa fair grounds. Christiana and Arde had a wonderful first outing, and they had fun in the costume class too.
And speaking of costume classes, we must have had the best costumes EVER. Christiana and Ivy were very impressive Knights of the realm. Alaina was an injured soldier and Miranda was a fairy ballerina. Patty was an F-15 pilot - complete with ground crew and copilot, Carol an Indian rider, Denise the phantom of the opera, Richel a funny farmer, and me - the Galloping (trotting) Gourmet. I didn't get pix for documentation but we were excessively photographed by Jeanie's photo buddies.
And! Carol and Shilo had a really good ride for their first show. And! Gabby rode Lily in their first dressage show too. They did a great job and Marsha looked good too. Really fun day! and we have the Glenbrook 4-H Halloween Fun show Tomorrow! Woo Hoo - a two horse event weekend.
Friday, October 24, 2008
YaYa Bad Weather Pusuits
Since you know I would NEVER jump in real life (on purpose), can you believe I like this sort of jumping?
PS - Patty sent me this link to broaden my horizons.... haha
PS - Patty sent me this link to broaden my horizons.... haha
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
YaYa Trail Song Book

I'm an Old Cow Hand by Johnny Mercer
I'm an old cowhand from the Rio Grande
But my legs ain't bowed and my cheeks ain't tanned
I'm the cowboy who never saw a cow
Never roped a steer 'cause I don't know how
Never roped a steer 'cause I don't know how
I sure ain't fixin' to start in now
Yippee i oh ti-ay! Yippee i oh ti-ay!
I'm an old cowhand from the Rio Grande
And I learned to ride before I learned to stand
I'm a ridin' fool who is up to date
I know every trail in the Lone Star State
'Cause I ride the range in a Ford V-8
Yippee i oh ti-ay! Yippee i oh ti-ay!
We're old cowhands from the Rio Grande
And we come to town just to hear the band
We know all the songs that the cowboys know
'Bout the Big Corral where the dogies go
We learned them all on the radio
Yipee i oh ti-ay! Yippee i oh ti-ay!
I'm an old cowhand from the Rio Grande
Where the West is wild all around the borderland
Where the buffalo roam around the zoo
And the Indians run up a rug or two
And the old Bar X is just a barbeque
Yippee i oh ti-ay!
I'm a pioneer who began from scratch
I don't bat an eye in a suit or hat
They don't call me Elmer, they call me Satch
Yippee i oh ti-ay! Yippee i oh ti-ay! Yippee i oh ti-ay!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Birthday Girls - YaYa

Well, we have developed a tradition of recognizing birthdays (as if we need any excuses for partying). Marsha and Kathy B took the second shift for October and Kathy sent me the picture from July. I think we look better by the day and we certainly know how to laugh. Who is next on the list - Rita knows.
I will miss riding at Rita's this week since I will be in Kansas but next weekend we will have a dressage schooling show at Rocking C on Saturday as well as a 4-H Halloween Play Day at Glenbrook on Sunday. Since I will be gone all week, we are working on costumes this weekend. The girls are excited and decorating bridles. I rode Pico a little yesterday before taking him to Beth's for the week so she can work him some while I am gone in hopes of making a qualifying score for the Schooling Show Championships in Nov. In the party lesson today I rode Splash and he didn't seem to be feeling 100%. Perhaps he was dragging since I gave him de-wormer last night. I used spurs which gave me better straightness and got his difficult lead canter first try. Marsha had some really good work with Lil and Carol was looking great on Shilo.
So, think horsey thoughts for me while I am in the north country and see you next week - YaYa.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Saturday, October 11, Group Lesson - The Stars!

Splash, Cathy Orban's mount, looks incredibly elegant doesn't he? Cathy did ride him with spurs. They had a pleasant ride with less effort and stress. Here's hoping he'll outgrow the need for the spurs as he learns to move forward more willingly. He's really starting to have some "dressage" moments!

Thursday, October 16, 2008
The woods, the Woods, the WOODS!
The woods - the woods - the woods! Always scary, unless you're a fairy!
The hill - the hill - the hill! A troll lives there, his name is Bill!
The creek - the creek - the creek! So wet and evil it makes me shriek!
The field - the field - the field! there's nothing for it, I'm AGORAPHOBIC!
The tree – the tree – the tree! There’s something behind it, spin around and FLEE!
From Marsha - The sack...the sack...the sack!!! It might attack and break my back!!!
The shape at the end of the driveway... the shape... the shape!!! How will I escape???
The bee... the bee... the bee!!! Oh dear, I really must flee!
The clippers... the clippers... oh not so near me with those horrible snipping clippers!
From Joan - The bush … the bush… it must be haunted… Give me a chance and you'll be unloaded!
From Rita - The flag - the flag- flying high for some but for mine it is too LOW!
From Julie - The jump - the jump - behind it must be a skunk!
The cattle - the cattle - I think I will run the other way because it looks like they want to battle!
The Barn - the barn - the BARN! Very dark - AHHH Land Shark!
The hill - the hill - the hill! A troll lives there, his name is Bill!
The creek - the creek - the creek! So wet and evil it makes me shriek!
The field - the field - the field! there's nothing for it, I'm AGORAPHOBIC!
The tree – the tree – the tree! There’s something behind it, spin around and FLEE!
From Marsha - The sack...the sack...the sack!!! It might attack and break my back!!!
The shape at the end of the driveway... the shape... the shape!!! How will I escape???
The bee... the bee... the bee!!! Oh dear, I really must flee!
The clippers... the clippers... oh not so near me with those horrible snipping clippers!
From Joan - The bush … the bush… it must be haunted… Give me a chance and you'll be unloaded!
From Rita - The flag - the flag- flying high for some but for mine it is too LOW!
From Julie - The jump - the jump - behind it must be a skunk!
The cattle - the cattle - I think I will run the other way because it looks like they want to battle!
The Barn - the barn - the BARN! Very dark - AHHH Land Shark!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Blog Post from Cindy - Duchess Desires A Freisian
Yesterday Tom & I went hiking, but we were the only hikers - everyone else we ran into was on horseback! Probably at least 40 riders in groups of 2 to 8. If I had a nickel for everytime I heard the phrase, "did you loose your horses?" Ha - ha! I saw so many gorgeous ho-ho's. Sigh, trail riding is really big up here, and there are so many great state parks that are set up for riding.
On the trail yesterday, most of the horses were very calm and friendly (looking for handouts - wish I'd had some carrotts!) but a few stopped & gave us wild-eyed looks & snorted a bit before walking on by. One horse was so funny - only her second time on a trail ride & she was totally freaked out when she saw us - jumping around & spooking. The rider stayed on like glue, but her trail mates were laughing their heads off. It's so funny that humans on foot would send her over the edge. I told the group that she probably thinks that the trail monster attacked & ate our horses & that's why we were on foot!! She was a great looking horse - half Freisian & half Morgan/Quarter horse. Another group of riders tried to convince Tom that he really should start riding (HA!) They were telling him all about Tennessee Walkers. Maybe next time we're in Tusa I could somehow trick him into spending 10 minutes up on one of Sherry's or Rita's Walkers. I can dream can't I?
We miss you Cindy! EEO
On the trail yesterday, most of the horses were very calm and friendly (looking for handouts - wish I'd had some carrotts!) but a few stopped & gave us wild-eyed looks & snorted a bit before walking on by. One horse was so funny - only her second time on a trail ride & she was totally freaked out when she saw us - jumping around & spooking. The rider stayed on like glue, but her trail mates were laughing their heads off. It's so funny that humans on foot would send her over the edge. I told the group that she probably thinks that the trail monster attacked & ate our horses & that's why we were on foot!! She was a great looking horse - half Freisian & half Morgan/Quarter horse. Another group of riders tried to convince Tom that he really should start riding (HA!) They were telling him all about Tennessee Walkers. Maybe next time we're in Tusa I could somehow trick him into spending 10 minutes up on one of Sherry's or Rita's Walkers. I can dream can't I?
We miss you Cindy! EEO
Sunday, October 12, 2008
SPURS! I tried to warn him.......

After weeks of struggle and several threats that I was going to try spurs, I did it! And, didn't get bucked off - always a plus. So, in our Party Lesson yesterday, I used spurs and was pleased with the result. Splash is not overly re-active but did give me more consistency at the trot and somewhat more responsive transitions into the canter. I am getting a little give at the pole although when I try to push harder into the bit, Splash ducks his head to the inside - always a new way to resist.
Today, Rita hosted the ODS group at Glenbrook for a show grooming clinic presented by Laurie H. and Paula W. Silver (makes anyones butt look smaller) was the patient demo horse for tail trimming, 2 kinds of braiding, ear clipping, and polishing. Jurgen helped some too with clipping and mane/tail management. They looked fabulous! Laurie recommends baby oil finishing (no drying effects) and also suggested a mix of Desetin and Furasan for scratches. And, contrary to light horse show prep, no trimming of muzzle hair, long eye area hairs, or hair in the ears. Diez will be delighted. Paula suggested a bar of benzol peroxide soap to whiten the tail - not to often since it is drying. It is great to learn new tricks. Naturally, we had yummy snacks and tea to savor during the demo.
The girls and I rode a bit at Rita's also. TC used a spooking incident to give a leap/buck combo but Ivy stayed on and worked him a little more. After the demos, Denise gave Jurgan a work out and spectators a show, Shenean gave Pico a try and the girls rode their mounts again. I walked with the girls down the hill and up into the pasture since Ivy has been a little timid after the time TC refused to calmly walk on down the trail. Beautiful Oct. day if a little windy and it sure was fun to hang with my horsey friends. YaYa!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
They say she's 53......
Monday, October 6, 2008
Vermont (I mean Oklahoma) Story from Christopher Kimball
A young man asked a Pryor horse trader what he wanted for a mare.
“I’ll take a hundred and a half for her,” the trader said. “But she don’t look so good.”
They haggled a bit and, finally, the new owner went off with his purchase. He was back again the next day and pretty riled up.
“What’s the matter with that horse,” he demanded. “She ran me right off the road.”
“Been blind for a year,” the horse trader admitted. “Told you that she didn’t look so good.”
You never know where you will hear a horse story.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
October is here
Another week flew by with only a little riding. The girls had a lesson with Patty on Monday evening and Diez and Alaina had some good work. Ivy and TC had some issues to work through. He has put his bluff in on Ivy and she is a bit tentative when its time to canter. Patty helped by giving TC some serious lounging and then Ivy finished the lesson. Tomorrow evening we will see if Ivy can continue to be in charge.
I worked Splash while the girls were lessoning and he was fairly good. Saw some improvement on canter transitions although they still need work. Still using 2 whips and am considering spurs.
Sat. was a lovely day but Patty was at a dressage clinic so no lessons. Donna needed equine therapy so she came over and rode Pico while I worked Splash. Splash was very sluggish and I am still considering spurs. Then after lunch, Alaina wanted to ride but Ivy wanted to go Monarch butterfly hunting. So, Alaina worked Diez and I road TC in a bareback pad. TC was not the most cooperative of mounts and was having serious allergies.
Then, off to the fair to work as course setters for the Cowboy Mounted Shooting. Sixty some riders had 4 runs each using 10 balloons for each run. Wow - what a lot of balloons. I can see Sherry, Marsha and Rita taking up the sport. Those rides are to fast for me.
Hope we can yaya on Wed. Happy Trails. c
Indan Territory Endurance Ride and Hooves for a Cure
On October 4, the Indian Territory Endurance Ride and Hooves for a Cure both shared the trails at Lake Carl Blackwell west of Stillwater. Both groups worked together to make the rides a success. I was there with the endurance riders and can assure everyone that they were very appreciative of the Hooves for a Cure group's willingness to help them when the Foyil location was flooded after the Ooloagh flood gates were closed a couple of weeks ago.
It worked out really well for me personally since I was able to support the endurance ride as a member of our Sooner Appaloosa club and still get over to the silent auction at Hooves for a Cure and bid on a few items. Amazingly, I have new stirrup leathers and two bridles from the Pony Club donations. These bridles will give the girls their own "clothes" during their next two-three years as they mature. I spoke with Rita Glen when she arrived for Hooves for a Cure, so she may have more and better pictures of that ride for us.
It was a beautiful day for a trail ride. Was cool, but not cold, and overcast until early afternoon. Hope everyone on both rides had a great time and enjoyed a wonderful Fall day on their horses!
It worked out really well for me personally since I was able to support the endurance ride as a member of our Sooner Appaloosa club and still get over to the silent auction at Hooves for a Cure and bid on a few items. Amazingly, I have new stirrup leathers and two bridles from the Pony Club donations. These bridles will give the girls their own "clothes" during their next two-three years as they mature. I spoke with Rita Glen when she arrived for Hooves for a Cure, so she may have more and better pictures of that ride for us.
It was a beautiful day for a trail ride. Was cool, but not cold, and overcast until early afternoon. Hope everyone on both rides had a great time and enjoyed a wonderful Fall day on their horses!
Three endurance riders leave the last checkpoint before completing the last 8 miles of their 50-mile ride. These were the first riders to complete the endurance ride. The Appaloosa, Spur of the Moment, and his rider, Cat Carter, finished first in both the Appaloosa ride and the overall endurance ride.
Three endurance riders leave the last checkpoint before completing the last 8 miles of their 50-mile ride. These were the first riders to complete the endurance ride. The Appaloosa, Spur of the Moment, and his rider, Cat Carter, finished first in both the Appaloosa ride and the overall endurance ride.
Endurance riders starting the last part of their 50-mile ride pause to wait for Hooves for Cure riders to pass.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
ODS Region 9 Championships
Does anybody want to carpool over to Guthrie on friday night and come back saturday evening? If so, I'll volunteer to help on saturday only. Let me know. Marsha
Friday, October 3, 2008
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