The girls and I went to the Tulsa State Fair 4H/FFA horse show - now held the weekend before the state fair really starts. Because of huge parking issues during the fair, this new timing is pretty civilized. The show starts at 10am and the last class is done around 7pm.
Right away, the girls were having fun because we parked right next to Abby Nolan (and her mom Jan and Dog Jack). Abby is a very accomplished junior rider just a little older than the girls and the three (4 if you count Jack) have been best buds since they met at the Will Rogers Classic early this year and bonded some more at the State 4H horse show in Shawnee in June. Abby's horse Cloud is a very nice and well trained POA who Ivy believes is related to Splash. Who knows... it could be true.
The girls had fairly good rides and the competition is pretty stiff. Ivy placed 6th in Hunter Under and Alaina was in the top 8 (called back) in both english and western equitation. They were having so much fun that we stayed and both girls "ran" speed (barrels and stakes). Ivy and TC mostly trotted the patterns with a little canter toward home but Alaina had lovely canters for both her patterns. No winning times but big grins when they heard the crowd cheering for them.
I have not ridden at all this week because of travel and the horse show - maybe this evening Splash and I will work a bit. There is a re-scheduled dressage show today, but I did not have enough energy to consider it. Kale came by the show yesterday to help and see the girls and he was sad not to be riding himself.
Yeah! I can update tonight that I gave Splash a light workout this afternoon. The girls and their pals Rhett and Riley (twins next door) played together and when I suggested riding, Rhett was game. So, he got Diez, Alaina rode Sunny, Ivy on TC and me with Splash. We did a little arena work and then did the Wild Orban Ranch circuit. Splash got some trail salad in and was pretty well behaved as were all the horses on this lovely afternoon.
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