Lovely show - incredible horses; talented riders; hot pink shirts on all the volunteers, and an artist wins the Jaime award - congrats to Shannean. I can't tell you all how much I appreciate my GCC/ODS club for their remembrance of Jaime every year. The world keeps turning, life goes on and the hardest thing for me is the thought of Jaime being forgotten. Thanks.
And the show did go on, I saw some lovely rides, and Patty and Dante did a wonderful freestyle with music perfect for the pair of them. Mallory and Raffles did a good job as well coming together during this first show-year for them and it sure is fun to see Roberta and Nicole have such elegant rides. Yeah for the home team. I would like to say that I was so inspired that I got home, saddled my horse and rode. But, exhaustion set in and I needed to do the dishes. So, Splash and Pico got more vacation than either of them need.
Ivy and Alaina along with Roxanne and Bonnie were runners for the morning and Sherry kept all four in line and claimed that she got work out of them too. They look cute in hot pink.
The GCFC is such a fun show for me every year. I get to see my horsey friends that I somehow miss at other shows and I love being paddock/gate since I have the illusion that I am in charge of something. Perfect position for seeing the warmup in beautiful morning light and to watch Patty and Dante handle a power outage in the middle of their test. I jumped higher than Dante and Patty should have extra points for poise.
So, fall is really here even if it hit 90 degrees today. So, perhaps I ride tomorrow evening?
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