Well, Patty ordered up some cool weather with just a threat of rain (if you don't count the soaking we got tacking up) for our lesson this weekend. It was just Kathy B and me with Casper and Splash. Kathy has located a prospect to check out so Casper may get to find a new home - I can't wait to see the Palomino paint Kathy is looking at.
Meanwhile, the 2-whip tango has really helped our steering but Splash did NOT want to canter EVER! He 'bout wore me out but we had to keep trying and Patty had to re-enforce trying - Patty helping with a lunge whip pop until FINALLY, we got a few transitions. The good news - no bucks. So, it just shows how much riding I should be doing but can't get enough of what with work, school, rain, etc....
We also worked on backing and turns on the haunches and Splash was very stubborn and so was I. Patty pointed out that I wasn't giving at the first step and I realized that I was missing the chance to reward the step waiting for the give to the reins. Once I tried to respond quicker, he seemed to get it. We shall see.
Meanwhile, the girls went on a bear... I mean bug hunt for the ugly bug contest at school. They found a couple of creatures including a caterpillar, fly (that got away), and TICKS! Dozens of seed ticks went right through Ivy's socks and attached to her ankle and lower leg. So tiny you could hardly see them and very hard to remove. I spayed bug spray, peroxide, then covered them with baby oil and tried to drown them. Yikkes. They were ugly I am sure, but I destroyed them rather then saving them for the contest.
And finally, we took the old gray mare, TC, and Splash to Westside Elem to visit the girls' classes and let the kids get close and personal and get a leadline ride. More than 50 kids got a quick ride on TC and Diez, Splash got snacks and brushing. Steve and I got our exercise but the kids got to feel the difference between the ex racehorse and the little Arab. All three were really good.
I am off to Kansas again this week, so Splash gets another week off. Then, the county fair this weekend, so no lesson either. Ride some happy trails for me. c
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