Kathy B on Call, Marsha on Dakota, and me on Splash started the 10 o'clock lesson. We all did stretching exercises to warm up and then worked on trot and walk transitions. Splash was sound both ways with only a little unevenness in the corner when going clockwise for a couple of seconds. Yippeee! Splash was feeling so good, he was obnoxious. Lounging would help but Dr. Ennis says NO Lounging. We didn't push and quit after just 20 minutes. So, I switched my saddle and bridle to Pico and finished the lesson on him. With only one little spook, we had a great 1/2 lesson doing circles and leg yields. Canter work was nice too. Kathy and Call were looking really good now that Call is sound again and Marsha and Dakota had some nice work with Dakota learning to give to the bit. Are we ready to show at Rocking C next weekend? Kathy and Marsha, for sure - Splash and me, we will have to see. After cooling the horses, we headed to Siloam Springs for lunch.. hehe .. we went to Graham's but dilly dallied so long that Larry thought we had been to Arkansas and back.
Later, that same day, I gave Diez a bath with some special horse soap made by my long lost friend Cathy VW - found by Trisha on FB. She lives in Tallahassee, Florida and raises goats and horses. It was wonderful stuff and I need to find a way to get more. Diez looked lovely and her hair coat felt so soft.
Bad Day - Sunday morning I planned to take Pico and Sunny to Rita's place to video Shannean's OSU team audition. Gave Pico a rinse and went to the stall to grab Sunny. Crisis! Sunny had ripped his nostril more than an inch deep. I called Dr. S and made arrangements to get him stitched up by Dr. Round. Meanwhile, I dropped Pico and Diez at Rita's so that the show could go on. Cindy H, in town for a quick visit, came out to Rita's to visit Prince and got a royal Nip on the arm. It was a love nip Cindy and he didn't mean it.... really!

Even though it has been way to hot to ride in the evening the last few weeks, the yaya's have a pot luck planned for Wed. night. That will be way fun!
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