It was to hot to ride - what's a yaya to do? Get together! My sweet YaYa Sisters gathered at Rita's last Wed evening and we had wonderful food and fun for my birthday season. I am sure I don't look any older - don't look any younger either. Rita made homemade Peach ice cream and Sherry baked bread pudding and we had fruit salad, fruit crisp, Waldorf salad, taco rolls and taco salad, wine and peach ice tea, and more.... And we considered how long it will be until we ride again in the cool of fall. That's to long!
Balloons landed in fields north and west of the Wild O Ranch on Friday morning and caused the resident horses to careen around the pasture in wild formation. No horses were harmed during the photoshoot....
Then, off to Prairie Lane late afternoon to have Splash for his 2nd adjustment. After his good, short lesson last weekend, Splash was very uneven on Tuesday evening - then on Friday morning he was fine (if you don't count bad attitude). Dr. Ennis found his right shoulder better but a new spot on the left side of his neck (likely from using different muscles after the last adjustment) and he agreed that the spot Shannean had identified on his back was sore. Dr. E also checked my saddle fit and gave me the all clear to start regular work in the next week or so just minimizing circle work.
I was on animal care duty for the weekend since Steve and the kids were camping at Oolagah Lake. But after handling the morning chores including chicken management, I headed to Inola with Pico and Splash for the Rocking C Dressage show. Ruthie had Pico at 8:26 in T1 and Pico was spooky on both sides of M and just north of C. Soooo, during her T4 ride at 9:54, Splash and I stood in the doorway between C and M - magic! Pico was good and Ruthie had a lovely ride. 10:24 and Pico and I were mounting for our first ride - T4. Ominous drum roll..... the pirates were gathering for the exhibition drill team ride and Pico had the first of about 100 heart attacks. Those tricorn hats along with the puffy shirts and flowing coat tails (gorgeous costumes) were MONSTERS after PICO. So, although Pico found a way to deal with C and M (Splash in the doorway), the entire east side of the arena was now the scariest place on earth.
The good news is: I didn't fall OFF. But T4 and First1 were not the harmonious dance dressage should be. Oh well, there is always next time.
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