The girls started school last week on Thursday and it must have been tough after the long, hot summer. Alaina wore out during her lesson with Dawn D on Friday evening but practiced some trail before that happened. Patty was off in NC visiting Clayton before deployement, so there was no Sat. Party Lesson. But the girls and I got up early and rode at the Wild O Ranch. Ivy jumped Pico bareback and Alaina played on Diez. Splash and I worked a little trot/walk/trot transitions and did some long trotting. Our arena was pretty solid and so was Splash. No canter yet since I don't want to rush things.
I worked Splash again on Monday evening in the last (hopefully) blast of summer heat. He was showing some attitude but I was using the GNS to make sure he didn't give me that head shake thing since lounging is still out. I am trying to minimize sharp turns and taking it easy bringing Splash back into training.
No lesson for me on Sat. since I signed up for the OSU Horse Owners Symposium in Stillwater. Cross fingers for a lesson on Labor Day weekend. My yaya's are planning a ride this Thursday since high temps are predicted in the 80's but I will be at a back to school night. I will try to drop by for social hour..... Cross fingers for lots of fall riding opportunities coming soon.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Last Week of Summer
I didn't ride my horse last week. But I did get to sweat at a horse show. The temperatures were in triple digits all week and I just didn't have the intestinal fortitude. But, I did get to eat and socialize with my friends at El Azteca Wed night even if it was to hot to ride. Friday morning I took Sunny to Dr. S to remove those pesky nose stitches. With a little sedation, we removed a few stitches but will wait until next Wed. to get the rest.
The girls had a 4-H show on Sat. and a birthday party on Friday night, so I washed horses for them while they partied. We headed to Expo at 6:30 so that the show could start at 8am. With heat advisories issued, we ran the show as fast as possible in the same mold as the July show. We had a little trouble with the timer for speed events but were done by 2 even so. Ivy and Pico won high point 9-11 English with firsts in Eq and jumping. Alaina had some nice rides but Sunny had a few issues including having the curb chain repair break in Hunt Set Eq and a little break in gait in trail.
Sunday morning, I headed to Owasso to deliver Sister into Dawn D's capable hands - cross all fingers and toes that Sister and I will be a team to start work by Sept. 1. Then, the girls and I visited Shannean and Nancy F for dinner and to see Shannean's horses Dee and Dakota. Dee will be an elegant dressage horse some day and Dakota is growing nicely into those Appy spots. Dinner was my first taste of Indian Tacos and Corn Soup - both DElicious! Thanks Nancy!
The girls go back to school this coming Thursday and I hope that means that temperatures will be cooling and we will be riding at Rita's soon. YaYa!
The girls had a 4-H show on Sat. and a birthday party on Friday night, so I washed horses for them while they partied. We headed to Expo at 6:30 so that the show could start at 8am. With heat advisories issued, we ran the show as fast as possible in the same mold as the July show. We had a little trouble with the timer for speed events but were done by 2 even so. Ivy and Pico won high point 9-11 English with firsts in Eq and jumping. Alaina had some nice rides but Sunny had a few issues including having the curb chain repair break in Hunt Set Eq and a little break in gait in trail.
Sunday morning, I headed to Owasso to deliver Sister into Dawn D's capable hands - cross all fingers and toes that Sister and I will be a team to start work by Sept. 1. Then, the girls and I visited Shannean and Nancy F for dinner and to see Shannean's horses Dee and Dakota. Dee will be an elegant dressage horse some day and Dakota is growing nicely into those Appy spots. Dinner was my first taste of Indian Tacos and Corn Soup - both DElicious! Thanks Nancy!
The girls go back to school this coming Thursday and I hope that means that temperatures will be cooling and we will be riding at Rita's soon. YaYa!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
YaYa's in Summer
It was to hot to ride - what's a yaya to do? Get together! My sweet YaYa Sisters gathered at Rita's last Wed evening and we had wonderful food and fun for my birthday season. I am sure I don't look any older - don't look any younger either. Rita made homemade Peach ice cream and Sherry baked bread pudding and we had fruit salad, fruit crisp, Waldorf salad, taco rolls and taco salad, wine and peach ice tea, and more.... And we considered how long it will be until we ride again in the cool of fall. That's to long!
Balloons landed in fields north and west of the Wild O Ranch on Friday morning and caused the resident horses to careen around the pasture in wild formation. No horses were harmed during the photoshoot....
Then, off to Prairie Lane late afternoon to have Splash for his 2nd adjustment. After his good, short lesson last weekend, Splash was very uneven on Tuesday evening - then on Friday morning he was fine (if you don't count bad attitude). Dr. Ennis found his right shoulder better but a new spot on the left side of his neck (likely from using different muscles after the last adjustment) and he agreed that the spot Shannean had identified on his back was sore. Dr. E also checked my saddle fit and gave me the all clear to start regular work in the next week or so just minimizing circle work.
I was on animal care duty for the weekend since Steve and the kids were camping at Oolagah Lake. But after handling the morning chores including chicken management, I headed to Inola with Pico and Splash for the Rocking C Dressage show. Ruthie had Pico at 8:26 in T1 and Pico was spooky on both sides of M and just north of C. Soooo, during her T4 ride at 9:54, Splash and I stood in the doorway between C and M - magic! Pico was good and Ruthie had a lovely ride. 10:24 and Pico and I were mounting for our first ride - T4. Ominous drum roll..... the pirates were gathering for the exhibition drill team ride and Pico had the first of about 100 heart attacks. Those tricorn hats along with the puffy shirts and flowing coat tails (gorgeous costumes) were MONSTERS after PICO. So, although Pico found a way to deal with C and M (Splash in the doorway), the entire east side of the arena was now the scariest place on earth.
The good news is: I didn't fall OFF. But T4 and First1 were not the harmonious dance dressage should be. Oh well, there is always next time.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Good Day / Bad Day / Good Day
Good Day - Saturday morning we scored the 9 and 10 am lesson times so headed to Inola early. The girls rode the 9 am slot and both Alaina and Ivy had good lessons on their mounts. Sunny had some nice slow canters and Alaina worked on bringing him onto the bit without the head toss (using timing at the point in the canter when his front end was lowest) to give a half halt. Ivy worked to use more leg and less hand to bring Pico onto the bit. Pico didn't spook in the indoor arena for a change....
Kathy B on Call, Marsha on Dakota, and me on Splash started the 10 o'clock lesson. We all did stretching exercises to warm up and then worked on trot and walk transitions. Splash was sound both ways with only a little unevenness in the corner when going clockwise for a couple of seconds. Yippeee! Splash was feeling so good, he was obnoxious. Lounging would help but Dr. Ennis says NO Lounging. We didn't push and quit after just 20 minutes. So, I switched my saddle and bridle to Pico and finished the lesson on him. With only one little spook, we had a great 1/2 lesson doing circles and leg yields. Canter work was nice too. Kathy and Call were looking really good now that Call is sound again and Marsha and Dakota had some nice work with Dakota learning to give to the bit. Are we ready to show at Rocking C next weekend? Kathy and Marsha, for sure - Splash and me, we will have to see. After cooling the horses, we headed to Siloam Springs for lunch.. hehe .. we went to Graham's but dilly dallied so long that Larry thought we had been to Arkansas and back.
Later, that same day, I gave Diez a bath with some special horse soap made by my long lost friend Cathy VW - found by Trisha on FB. She lives in Tallahassee, Florida and raises goats and horses. It was wonderful stuff and I need to find a way to get more. Diez looked lovely and her hair coat felt so soft.
Bad Day - Sunday morning I planned to take Pico and Sunny to Rita's place to video Shannean's OSU team audition. Gave Pico a rinse and went to the stall to grab Sunny. Crisis! Sunny had ripped his nostril more than an inch deep. I called Dr. S and made arrangements to get him stitched up by Dr. Round. Meanwhile, I dropped Pico and Diez at Rita's so that the show could go on. Cindy H, in town for a quick visit, came out to Rita's to visit Prince and got a royal Nip on the arm. It was a love nip Cindy and he didn't mean it.... really!
Good Day - Shannean rode Jurgen (Friesian) in a dressage test, Pico (Arab cross since he was good) for transitions and jumping small jumps and Winston (Tenn Walker) for some more jumping. I got back from the vet clinic just in time to watch Alaina ride Winston. Now, she wants more Arabians, a Friesian, and a TW in her herd. After I got Sunny back home in a stall with a fan going, Pico back in the pasture, and Diez back in her turnout, I headed back to Rita's to work on the DVD for OSU. On the disk we put 6 minutes of Jurgen, 4 minutes of Pico and a couple minutes of Winston and about 15 still photos including a couple with Shannean riding Silka with Prince running along side. Soooo cute.
Kathy B on Call, Marsha on Dakota, and me on Splash started the 10 o'clock lesson. We all did stretching exercises to warm up and then worked on trot and walk transitions. Splash was sound both ways with only a little unevenness in the corner when going clockwise for a couple of seconds. Yippeee! Splash was feeling so good, he was obnoxious. Lounging would help but Dr. Ennis says NO Lounging. We didn't push and quit after just 20 minutes. So, I switched my saddle and bridle to Pico and finished the lesson on him. With only one little spook, we had a great 1/2 lesson doing circles and leg yields. Canter work was nice too. Kathy and Call were looking really good now that Call is sound again and Marsha and Dakota had some nice work with Dakota learning to give to the bit. Are we ready to show at Rocking C next weekend? Kathy and Marsha, for sure - Splash and me, we will have to see. After cooling the horses, we headed to Siloam Springs for lunch.. hehe .. we went to Graham's but dilly dallied so long that Larry thought we had been to Arkansas and back.
Later, that same day, I gave Diez a bath with some special horse soap made by my long lost friend Cathy VW - found by Trisha on FB. She lives in Tallahassee, Florida and raises goats and horses. It was wonderful stuff and I need to find a way to get more. Diez looked lovely and her hair coat felt so soft.
Bad Day - Sunday morning I planned to take Pico and Sunny to Rita's place to video Shannean's OSU team audition. Gave Pico a rinse and went to the stall to grab Sunny. Crisis! Sunny had ripped his nostril more than an inch deep. I called Dr. S and made arrangements to get him stitched up by Dr. Round. Meanwhile, I dropped Pico and Diez at Rita's so that the show could go on. Cindy H, in town for a quick visit, came out to Rita's to visit Prince and got a royal Nip on the arm. It was a love nip Cindy and he didn't mean it.... really!

Even though it has been way to hot to ride in the evening the last few weeks, the yaya's have a pot luck planned for Wed. night. That will be way fun!
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