Life goes on even without internet.... but it is hard. No email or blogging at the Wild Orban Ranch from Thursday night until late afternoon on Monday. So we had to find other activities.
Friday was the last day of school for Claremore kids and Alaina and Sunny went for a lesson with Dawn. They started the lesson without side reins to see how things would go. Sunny was not good - instead of moving forward, he backed into a corner and pretended he could not go forward. Then, with draw reins added and foward motion started, he dropped gait every chance he got. Dawn and Alaina worked on a spur stop last lesson and Sunny took that as an opprotunity to stop or try to stop every three steps. Equitation was resitant too. Ugh. Reverse direction and things went better, but..... Showmanship work was pretty good but Dawn and I plotted to get Sunny over for a tune up ASAP.
Sat. dawned sultry and we headed to Inola for the party lesson w/o my party friends. The girls join me but I didn't get to ride after all because Splash was still off. Sunny and Alaina worked in English and had a pretty good ride. Ivy and Pico tried to work English as well but Pico was such a spook the whole lesson that Ivy didn't want to try to jump. It is always something. But Ivy really handled the spooks well - it was just disheartening to deal with an idiot every single time he passed C or F. It isn't like he never worked in Patty's arena before....
Shipman will have a look at Splash on Thursday afternoon so cross fingers for a quick fix. I hope Splash won't backslide to much with all this time off. Meanwhile, it is a good thing that I have Sister to mess with since I need some kind of horsey project. I have been working Sister in the round pen every couple of days and we are finally getting some voice control. We end with showmanship and Sister is making progress. The only problem is that I am afraid to ride so I have her scheduled for a month with Ron Choat in July.
The rest of the weekend was hot and dry - the predicted rain missed Claremore and we are still dry as a bone. YaYa's have a ride/birthday bash planned for Thursday evening but I will be taking Splash to the vet so will miss riding but I will be there for the Social.... So... C U Soon.
What a striking photo of the Splasher! My thoughts were with you on the 23rd. We were in a little town near Stuttgart - Esslingen - & I thought about you and your family. Vera may have walked the same streets. XOXO