My riding is as a standstill since Splash is still in re-hab - he finished his week of bute and is currently taking joint supplements to try to help him mend. I will try some light riding after we get back from the 4-H State Horse show scheduled for the 19-20. We will head to Shawnee first thing on Thursday; the girls will compete in English on Friday and Western on Sat.

In anticipation of the State Show, we have been practicing every moment and running between barns for lessons. Pico is at Patty's in Inola and Sunny is with Dawn DiAmico. Ivy and Pico are making some great progress with equitation and jumping; Alaina and Sunny are working on Western Pleasure and Showmanship with slow progress and great progress respectively. They will each get one more lesson before we head to the BIG SHOW.

But the fun thing is that my non-horsey sister has agreed to come with us to the state horse show as my alter mom-ego. That will be way fun. Trisha will arrive in Claremore Wed. evening - just in time. The bad thing is that we will miss most of the Green Country Classic that will be in Claremore at the Expo on Sat. and Sunday but we will volunteer on Sunday afternoon and get a little taste of dressage to cap off our 4-H extravaganza.

Sunday was hot and humid but we fit one last horsey thing in before the weekend was done.... Ruthie came by to hang out and we played a bit with Diez and worked Sister in the round pen. Then, Ruthie said she was game to ride Sister a bit at walk/trot. Soooo.... we sadded up and Ruthie mounted up. I was so proud of both Ruthie and Sister. After a very successful ride in the round pen, Ruthie dismounted and Sister got to eat the good grass for a bit before getting back to her regular pasture. I am starting to see my next dressage prospect and Ivy is seeing her next 4-H horse.
After all the 4-H frenzy is over - I am planning of spending the rest of the summer with my yaya sisters riding and sweating and having fun. Good Plan?
How fun that Trisha is coming into town for 4-H State! She will be a great part of the team! Hi Trish! Big news - we're getting a puppy. He and Jet would make a great photo together - Vinny is white (part Pyrennes) and Jet is, well, jet black. Miss you - kiss the girls & horses!