Rain all day today and I almost forgot that I got to ride both Friday and Sat. But I did get to ride two days in a row which is a good thing since I will be headed to Kansas for the week on Tuesday.
Friday was sunny and WINDY but great riding in Rita's woods with my YaYa Sista's. We gathered around 10 am and warmed up together before we headed out back for some wooded trails with water crossings. Donna join in and rode Sunny and our group included Julie, Sherry, Nancy, Christiana, Rita, Richal, Paula and Paula's Sister Te
rry. The Walker Pack and the Big Boys set a brisk pace and the Quarter Horse/Appy Gang brought up the rear. Sunny, Holly, and Splash competed for last place and we let Holly have that honor most of the time. All the horses were mostly good and we had a bit of excitement when a deer tried to scare poor Sunny to death by waiting until Sunny was on top of her before she jumped up and raced away. Sunny managed a 180 in the blink of an eye only to find Splash in his face and no place to run. The whole herd was excited to get back to the trailers and eat a little hay while the riders went to El Azteca for a yummy lunch.
Saturday was warmer with hardly any wind until the front came through mid-afternoon. The girls and I had a lesson together and the horses all worked up good sweats (I was sweating too since Splash was pretty sluggish). Ivy complained about being tired - turns out that she was coming down with a cold. We worked leg yields down centerline weaving in and out of cones and Splash did a good job with that. Also did some shoulder-in along the long sides with a little success (Alaina and Sunny were the best at that). Canter work was very difficult for me since Splash dropped gait to the trot with the slightest provocation. Frustration tempered by the knowledge that as a Trail horse, Splash is pretty good.
Looks like we are done with lovely riding weather for a while but Cindy will be in town next weekend so we will party hardy in the Party Lesson on Sat.! YaYa!
I am loving reading your blog! Your group of riders is just like mine at my college aged barn. Some of your comment sure do touch a nerve... and it is sooo very true that there is nothing better than equine therapy and friends, and occasionaly some wine.