Well, the Green Country Classic recognized dressage show hosted by GCC/ODS was this past weekend and from all accounts, was a big success. Patty C and her Dressage Darlings as well as the Rocking C Drill Team had some great rides and the DDs were the 2nd place junior team by just a fraction of a point. Well done girls.

The girls and I went to the Expo a little before 10 am on Friday to help set up the areana and help with other preparations.

The arean set-up was well underway - early because the show management wanted to get a jump start. So, we worked a little and then..... A huge storm blew through - 80 mph winds and driving rain pounding so hard from the west that the noise sounded like some giant monster was tearing off the doors. The Rocking C team was just about to practice and it was a bit tense with kids and horses worried by the storm. The power went out completely until the auxillary lights came on and it sure can get dark in that arena. The wind blew all the panels along the north side of the covered arena completely down and must have dumped 5 inches of water along the north and west side of the arena making unridable mud. Then the storm passed and show set up continued all afternoon.
Later, we had pizza with the competitors and picked up our volunteer shirts which were a lovely lavender this year. The girls and I returned to Expo at 7:30am on Sat to work our 8am to 12:30pm volunteer shift. The girls were running and I was gate. I had 2 great coworkers (paddock persons Carol and Jennifer) and we had a lovely time working in the morning. Then, the afternoon rides started and the girls went in search of DOGS to walk/pet/play with. They found some pomeranians and several seamingly cute corgies. One corgie turned out to be a killer and Ivy got a bite from Wyatt on her wrist that needed 2 stitches at the ER in Owasso. The wait was brief and the attendent very handsom and Ivy recieved her stitches from Dr. Wills who was game to sew her initials along with the stitches (Ivy declined that option). By the time we got back to the arena we had missed most of the afternoon rides but did see the Phantom of the Opera and the Rocking C drill team performances. Kathy B had organized the food for the wine and cheese party and it was YUMMY.
Sunday was a little less wild but had its own twists. Kathy B and Krystal B came over early afternoon to help with the show prep grooming of Pico, Splash and Sunny. Krystal is THE expert groomer/trimmer extrodinaire. I headed over to Owasso to pick up Sister from her vacation at the Copley Horse Resort. Then hoped to get home in time to go with Kathy and Krystal back to Expo to watch Patty and Dante. But, Pico had put his foot through the floor covering the water valve and broke it flooding the barn. So, to Lowes for PVC stuff and Steve was busy bailing water. It is always something.
Kale and one of his room mates Reese arrived just in time for the barn flood action and stayed long enough for tacos and a quick game of Kubb - the new lawn game Steve fixed up for us. Then, just as he was heading back to Stillwater, we noticed a low tire which turned out to have a damaged valve stem - so, back to Stillwater on the Spare and Kale will need to repair the tire and replace the spare. I think I need a NAP. and Equine therapy in a bad way.
We will yaya on Tuesday night with Joan before her surgery on Thursday. The current plan is to meet at Eggberts at 5:30 and to followup with a movie. So, see ya then.
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