Sunday, June 28, 2009
To Hot to Show
Rocking C Stables at June Show

It's been a busy June so far. Patty and the Rocking C Drill team did really well at the June dressage show in Claremore.
The drill team has really come together over the last year and rode some great classes.

Patty and Dante did well, both in their classes and in the exhibition ride Patty did.

Denise and Jurgen were a big hit in their Phantom of the Opera exhibition ride.

To see more photos from the show, go to
Monday, June 22, 2009
The 4-H State Horse Show in Shawnee!!! Wheeee
Shawnee was full of their version of the trail of painted ponies and this rearing horse was the favorite. We planned on posing with one before we left town but ran out of time and shot this on our way home. Next year.......
Kathy B came along to keep me company and help with the mighty preparations... Kathy was in charge of hair and braiding. It runs in the family since Krystal did the trimming last weekend. Thanks friend - it was fun to have a partner to share the wealth (work!).
Ivy and Splash competed in Halter - Splash was difficult and took a nip while the judges were looking. Bad horse! Then Ivy and Pico competed in hunter under saddle, hunt seat eq, hunter hack, and western horsemanship. They had a lovely ride in HUS but the judge didn't use them. Then, after riding a beautiful HSE pattern, they ended on the wrong side of the cone. Pico decided jumping was not on the agenda and refused the straight bars after the cross bar practice and Ivy was very disapointed since they have been practicing. Her last chance for a ribbon was WH and the pattern was very tight, Pico didn't pick up canter and they landed on the wrong side of the cone. Bummer. But dispite being disapointed with no ribbons to show, Ivy and Pico are really improving and look very good together.
Finally, the western events were on Sat. and we had several visitors. Steve appeared and hung out to watch the western classes and then Kale came down from Stillwater. And, Ruthie (w/ brother and cousin) dropped by on their way to Norman for a quick visit. The girls really appreciated their fans stopping by. After WH, with Steve to help, we packed up and escaped much more quickly than normal and got back to the Wild O Ranch by 8pm - in time for a quick swim for the girls while Steve picked up KFC. Fun weekend, even if I didn't get to ride myself. YAYA
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Killer Corgi

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
St. Jude Trail Ride

Monday, June 1, 2009
Birthday YaYa's and other horse stuff

Sunday was spent working concessions for the Chris Cox horsemanship seminar. The girls worked from 8:30ato 2:00p and then watched CC ride his highly trained horse. Alaina as very taken with a headstall - so that when they offered a dance contest for one, she was out in the arena doing the 'gator. Who knew my shy girl would do such a thing. Ivy joined her, but they chose a cowboy dancing a jig - it must have been rigged.... The girls suggested the I might have won if I had done a little zumba! but, the beat was wrong.