Well, YaYa Sista's and friends spent a Sunday afternoon laughing at MTM and then went to Eggburt's for the Dec.-March birthday bash. Donna, Joan, Nancy, and Marion (in absentia) as well as Shirley were serenaded with the famous song. We don't sound like Elvis. Rita organised, got tickets and set up Eggburt's and Leila brought the deliceous birthday cake. THANKS! Here is a Youtube link that you guys might like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzt09dRGFrY&NR=1
The weekend went really fast after a hard work week that included a trip to Kansas Tues/Wed. After 70 degrees and windy on Tuesday, there was 2 inches of really wet snow on my car Wed. morning. Sat. Splash and I had a lesson in the chilly morning and then Dr. Kristina Frantz and fab helpers Julie and Linda put on a 4-H fundraiser vaccine clinic. We started drawing blood, stabbing victims and FILLING OUT COGGINS PAPERWORK at 1:30 and finished up about 7:30pm after attending to a total of 45 horses and sending additional vaccines home with owners who couldn't get all their horses to the event. Thanks to Kristina and her entire crew including Darren, Jessie and Jacob, Braden and Brock, and Ian and Ali. All the kids and Orban girls too helped on the farm calls filling blood viles, handling sharps and assisting with the process. I beleive the Frantz gang went back to the clinic to attend to an injured cat, but I was draggin (as Puff would say).
Training with Splash the Slug Horse went mostly well. We worked on response time to cues from walk to trot and from stand to walk. I had to really get after him but he did seem to get it - mostly. Splash is now swinging his rump to the right in the downward transition, so we worked on straightening. That horse could work half as hard doing what I ask rather than resisting - but I keep telling him that resistance is futile. We had the wonderful neck stretcher on for most of the lesson but then did a little trot and stand work without it. That really went better than I expected so maybe there is hope. I sure do need a little more daylight in the day so that we can work a little more often. But the crocuses were up this week and daffodiles are starting to sprout their green parts. I can hardly wait untill spring YaYa rides! Have a great week.
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