Ivy and Alaina had Good Friday off from School so I took a vacation day too. No real horse plan in place but I called Amy R to see if we could visit her place to have a test ride for the St. Jude Benefit ride. Amy lead the way on the ATV and Ivy/Pico, Alaina/Sunny, Sydney/Sofie, and Splash and me followed along through the lush pastures and woods near the river south of Inola. Two ponds, several dry creek crossings, a trek along the rim of the Inola Red Canyon in the warm spring sunshine with wildflowers everywhere. Beautiful! We spent around 1 1/2 hours going out and back at a leisurely walk. We investigated a dead end trail with a steep hill to start and let the horses splash in the clear water of a lovely pond - Pico was playing and Splash wanted to swim. Only one small incident when a BIG BAD BUG made Sofie rush up a hill and do a little BUCK. Sydney is now past her first unintended dismount but she bounced up and got back on to finish the ride in real cowgirl style.
The 40% chance for showers blew up just to the north of Patty's while the girls had their lesson Saturday morning. Roxy, Ivy, and Alaina spent the hour Jumping with dramatic clouds as a background. By the time Mallory and I rode, the wind had come up and thunder rumbled in the distance. That made Splash a little tense - or perhaps the rider was tense.
During our warm up, Mallory discovered a problem with left lead canter, so that is where they started their lesson. Splash and I warmed up with trotting and walking - Splash still jumps to trot as soon as I collect the reins so we walked alternating collection/long rein and backing when Splash jigged. Some progress but further training needed. And the next dressage show is next weekend. Both Mario and Splash were having trouble with Left Lead Canter departs - Splash missed his leads several times except when we leg-yielded to the canter. I think the weather caused tension which limited our bend during the departs. That's my story. So, we worked on shoulder in and leg yields. Splash and I plan to try a Western Dressage Class next week too. Got to start somewhere, right?
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