No, but one did find a new home - the blue hat Ivy modeled looked best so now I have no excuse for sunburn. It is still my birthday month so we did birthday lunch at LaMansion in Catoosa since Graham's was closed and Ramona's was moving. Our amigo the server looked cute in a pink hat too.
Krystal's birthday was June 28, Clayton's was the 10th and Larry's the 12th but I got the singing and the home made chocolate cake by master chef Nancy. YUMMY.
The four girls rode in the "cool" of 10 am and Mallory, Kathy, and I worked our usual mounts and Reilly joined us on Eddie. Other than the first left lead canter depart, Splash was fairly good. Some head fussiness at the trot but no break of gait. Mallory worked to slow Raffles down while I try to move Splash out a little faster.
We will all be sweating this weekend at the 4-H point show with more record temps expected - we hope to run a very fast / casual dress show at Expo on Sat. The next dressage show is July 30 into the "cool" of the evening. Alaina is considering Prix Caprilli on Sister but will ride 2 intro tests on her for sure. Ivy is planning on First Level and Splash and I will try Training level.
I am wait listed to ride training level with Splash at either the Sept. or Oct L-program so cross fingers that both Kathy B and I will get to ride (Kathy is wait listed to ride ahead of me). Ivy is game to ride Pico so I will talk with Patty and Anne about that - she thinks it will be fun. It is to hot to YaYa, but I think an Aug. 1 social is in order. Maybe it will happen.
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