Had a great lesson on Splash - but it was short - 'cause it was HOT. No neck stretcher or spurs - but its was OK. We didn't need to WARM up but we warmed up anyway with some dropped stirrups, neck rolls and arm circles. Trot work included changes of bend in and out along the long side - very hard for Splash to the right. After leg yield exercises and bends into corners we concentrated on canter departs. Splash took correct leads (just one miss to the left) and held together fairly well (just one drop to trot). Mallory and Raffles make those canter departs look easy. No LAL until next week.
The next show is July 30, so cross fingers for continued good work at the party lesson next time.
My sister and bro-in-law were here for the week, so horsey stuff was limited to bringing Trisha to the lesson. She got several pix of the girls in the trusk and on their horses. Doesn't want to ride or be a YaYa Rider - its a mystery. Trisah and Jim unhooked the Invader and headed east/south on the 4th and we headed to the annual Nowata bash.
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