Next, the whole crew, including Cynthia on Ahab minus Ivy, went on a trail ride while Marsha, Nancy, and I relaxed and watched Ivy jump the jumps without a horse (she doesn't try Pico on the trail). After a yummy spagetti dinner made by Catherine and equine care duties complete, we had a saddle fitting presentation by Marty H. The girls learned about re-stuffing, leather making, and got to sit in a Sommer Saddle. Kathy B brought crafting supplies and the kids made their thank-you notes for the sponsors. Lights out by 9:30, but giggling continued for some time.
Sunday morning and the horse care drill before breakfast complete, the kids got to play mounted horse games. Games on Horseback for groups of six riders was pretty entertaining. Then the campers learned about pilaties for riders presented by Cynthia after a intro video. They all practiced pilaties on the floor before lunch. After lunch, everyone rode the dressage test of their choice for scores from Denise, discussion and then a do-over to apply the comments. The "dressage show" started at 1:30 with Alaina and Sunny riding Training Level Test 1 followed by Ivy with T-2 and then the rest of the gang. Shannean rode Jugen in First Level Test 4 as did Marilyn and Willie. The kids rotated in and out of the box to practiced their scribbing. Tests and ribbons were presented at 5pm - all the kids did well. Ivy and Pico were high point dressage score.
Now the Sister Update - After a couple of weeks off since bringing her home from Dawn D's, I took her to Mallory's place on Oct. 1. After settling her in a stall for a quarter hour or so, we groomed, saddled, and headed to the round pen. Christian B worked her on the lounge line in the round pen - she was good. So, he mounted and worked walk/trot/canter - she was good. So I mounted and rode a walk and a little trot - she was good. But I wasn't pretty - no way for my tense body to sit the trot. But she was good.
Wednesday, back a Mallory's and I did the lounging this time and Christian rode a bit of walk and trot before I mounted and did the same. Our trot was better. I posted some and Sister was GOOD.
New goal - ride Sister in a walk-trot test at the Nov. 6 dressage schooling show. YaYA!
We headed to Patty's on Friday afternoon for a lesson and I rode Splash for part of the lesson - he has been sound but still resistant to canter departs on right lead. So, we will continue light riding and see if we can build up his strength.
Saturday, the girls and I went early to the schooling show at Aberdeen Stables. The girls had very good rides and Alaina rode Intro-B and T-1 - her first training level test with Sunny - the camp gave her confidence and she was pretty forward (for Sunny). Ivy and Pico had a couple of really good scores at TL-2 and TL4. Ruthie rode Pico in T-4 for a Jr. HiPoint score. I rode Pico for a couple of First level tests - I didn't fall off but they were not my best rides. I was stiff and didn't sit the trot well but I guess we will just keep working on that.
Later that day we worked as balloon setters for the Cowboy Mounted Shooting at the Tulsa State Fair from 4 to 10:30pm. Hard work but we did get to see the Texas Thunder again and the kids got a ride in the wagon after the presentation. And! I got to see Rita and Winston on duty - they looked GREAT!.
We headed to Patty's on Friday afternoon for a lesson and I rode Splash for part of the lesson - he has been sound but still resistant to canter departs on right lead. So, we will continue light riding and see if we can build up his strength.
Saturday, the girls and I went early to the schooling show at Aberdeen Stables. The girls had very good rides and Alaina rode Intro-B and T-1 - her first training level test with Sunny - the camp gave her confidence and she was pretty forward (for Sunny). Ivy and Pico had a couple of really good scores at TL-2 and TL4. Ruthie rode Pico in T-4 for a Jr. HiPoint score. I rode Pico for a couple of First level tests - I didn't fall off but they were not my best rides. I was stiff and didn't sit the trot well but I guess we will just keep working on that.

Today I took the girls and Diez and Pico over to Mallory's and the girls rode with Roxanne around the field and edge of the woods while I worked Sister. I saddled Sister with my dressage saddle and used a dressage bridle - Sister looks good in black leather! We worked walk and trot in the round pen. Sister was good. Now that my week off work is over, I will need to rider as often as possible to continue with progress. Cross all fingers and toes.
October means we have several more yaya birthdays. We already missed Kathy B (Oct. 1) and Sherry B (October 9) - Marsha's is coming on October 24th. So, we need to have a yaya gathering soon.
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