Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cathy and Splash had some good moments in Saturday's ride.
All Saturday rides are special, but Cindy was here from Iowa. Also, Nancy Enlow is back in the saddle! Pictured on horseback - Cathy and Splash, Cindy and Willy, Kathy and Caspar, Donna and Pico, and Nancy and Major. On the ground are Carol on the left and Patty on the right.

Everyone had a good time and is making progress. I actually had a 20 minute ride on Shiloh that went really well for both of us. I think that's my longest ride since my unscheduled dismount off Bullet .
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1 comment:

  1. YeaH! Thanks Carol for jumping into the Blog Pond. We did have a great riding and lunching extravaganza yesterday with Cindy in town visiting her old love Willy. We also missed Nancy Carol off on injured reserve - get patched up and back in the Saddle ASAP. xxxooo c
