Today's show was awesome! I'm just so pleased that Lil seems to be back in her comfort zone and hopeful that we can now finish the season.
Was really good to spend the day at lovely Lily Pond Estate and see all my horsey friends. If you weren't there - you missed an excellent show. The judge was very nice and helpful. The horses were all beautiful.
Now I'm off to Taos, NM for vacation for a few days. Will look forward to our next ride!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008
No Dog Days Yet in 2008
After some really hot days in late July, we have been cooler and wetter than normal. We had a party lesson planned for yesterday since Cindy was finally in town for a visit (supposedly to celebrate Rob's 60th but we know it was really to ride). Up and at'em to load Splash for me and Pico for Donna and the weather was threatening to the north. Check radar, NOTHING since the stuff to the north was evaporating. So, headed south and ran into rain in Inola and before we could unload, it was pounding rain at Patty's. Soooo, we waited for the lightning to let up and the storm to get passed. We were all very wet before we started to ride.
Splash was better than he has been, especially during the first half of the lesson. I am still using 2 whips so I can be ready to help keep the shoulder from dropping out or the rascal from cutting in. We did have some nice moments and some energy to start. Operator error several times including completely dropping the outside rein when asking for canter. Not sure how I keep doing that, but I will try to hang on to it better.
Pico was a good boy for Donna, and all the horses were really pretty good. Carol had pulled out during the rain so she wouldn't have to leave a horse tied to the trailer in a lightning storm. Then, lunch as Graham's - yummy. Donna got coconut cream pie and it must have been really good - no offers to share at all.
Splash really is doing OK since the riding schedule hasn't been as strenuous as it should be. Since I will be in KS again this week, he will be on sabbatical for another few days.
Nancy C - we will be wishing you well this week when you see the doc about your leg. Catch kisses. xxxooo c
Everyone had a good time and is making progress. I actually had a 20 minute ride on Shiloh that went really well for both of us. I think that's my longest ride since my unscheduled dismount off Bullet
Cathy & Pico at the 8/16 Schooling Show
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Lucky Splash!
Pictures of Denise on Jurgen, Ivy on TC and Alaina on Diez at the Rocking C dressage Show yesterday. Thanks Patty for putting on a really fun show and ordering very cool Aug. weather.
School started last week with the usual frenzy but I did manage to ride Splash on Wed night in Rita's arena. We had slight improvement with the steering and no bucks or snottiness with canter transitions although they were not prompt. But with the show a Patty's on Sat., Splash wasn't worked again after Wed. night. Pico, who has been on Summer Vacation, was OK at the show. The letter C (which should stand for Cookie) was terrifying during T4 and he dropped out of the canter from both directions. IDIOT. But, the second test was better from the spook standpoint, we just need to get "any" stretch in the chewy circle (at C) and get side pass without loosing the hind end. Overall, Pico was better than I could have hoped since Splash has been getting all the attention this summer - Elizabeth did a better job than I did in T4. Next week, party lesson at Patty's on Sat..... Splash is back on the agenda. ya-YA.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Yippe for Ya yA!
Wow, finally made it to the ya ya blog. Thanks for inviting me. (For those of you that don't recognize my Ya Ya name, I am Donna Orban, distant relative of Cathy, ha!) I have no equine pics to post since I haven't ridden in months and months!! Will try to change that soon. I do have pics of my 16 year old son Paul before his first solo flight in his newly aquired car. (I say newly aquired in case you might think it is a new car...he wishes). This blooging stuff is way fun though. How nice to catch up with all the horsey activity at the Wild Orban Ranch as well as Rita's devine equine pastures. I can't wait for Fall and wonderful riding wheather, as I am a fair weathered rider for the most part (oh, okay, it pretty much has to be perfect!). I admit, I am not equine obcessed. I am very fond of riding with great friends on a perfectly cool, dry, no wind blowing, evening with Rita's famous bucket margaritas and yummy food to follow. Can't wait to see everyone as soon as that perfect weather gets here....
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Cathy--thanks for the invite to join the ya ya riders blog. I've never blogged before, but will do my best to contribute-- but if nothing else, will enjoy reading all the posts from you and your friends. Thanks for the proof that I actually rode a horse! My dis-believing family got a hug kick out of seeing me a-top Splash. It was so great to be back in the saddle after more than 30 years! Thanks for the fun. Love to the girls and I'm missin' Steve's good cookin! ---TEACE
Back in the Saddle Again
Although I didn't ride for a couple of weeks working at my Mom's house with my sister and wonderful helping friends, I did get Mary Dawn on TC with the girls and gave Teace some sore muscles to take back to Birmingham.
Finally, dragged bug bitten horses to Patty's for a party lesson yesterday. Splash was not happy about his early end to his early retirement. But, we did work and get a little give by the end of the lesson. Then, in anticipation of next weekend's show at Patty's, I worked Pico in T4. My Splash work has made me less demanding of Pico. Hopefully, we can get a practice or two in by next weekend. Not today since we had gully-washers last night and the whole place is a mud pit.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Equine Therapy
None for me this week. Can you tell by looking at me? Splash says, "no problem, I'll eat grass."
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