Another work trip last week and I needed equine therapy. So, Friday evening we were off to Inola for drill practice. Sunny and Pico were resting so Ivy rode Ahab and Alaina worked with Sister. The drill team worked with the required elements and timed the drill - all eight kids were there so practice went well. I think.
Mallory and I were playing with Mario. Mario was wearing Mallory's beautiful Dale C show saddle. Mallory warmed him up with some Clinton Anderson exercises. Then, I got to test out the saddle. It works for me, so my wonderful friend Mallory is letting me borrow her saddle so Splash and I can ride western in the County Fair.
Mario - my Mario! Wow, what a horse. I was a little nervous getting to try Mario. I wasn't really going to ride, just test the saddle to see if the fit was good for me. So, I was in shorts. The trot was so smooth and Mario so responsive, I got brave. We trotted! Smooth as silk! We trotted some more. What a HORSE! Mallory suggested canter. I got braver and asked for canter. It was WONDERFUL! Mario is Magnificent!
Mary, Kathy, Nancy, and I had our fun party lesson. Kathy brought Missy for me and we made some western progress. Then LAL at Graham's. And, then! Another lesson on Splash with Dawn D. I dug out my old Dan Post boots, Splash got to wear the Dale C, I used Splash's 'new' western bridle (rawhide brow band with your basic Tom Thumb), and I used Kale's old "star" spurs with mild rowel. The right spur fell off while I was walking to the arena so I tightened them up. Mounted, and I was only half way around the arena when the spur fell off again. Dawn punched some holes and we continued. We worked on pivots, turns on forehand, side pass and turns in the box. Splash is figuring things out. Me? Not so much. My timing is rough. Then, we cantered. Transitions were pretty good, steering? Not so much. We tried again and got better. Both directions, several canter transitions, correct leads. Yippee! Then, we tried to stop in the box. HAHAHA. We tried again and got a little better.
Mallory and I were playing with Mario. Mario was wearing Mallory's beautiful Dale C show saddle. Mallory warmed him up with some Clinton Anderson exercises. Then, I got to test out the saddle. It works for me, so my wonderful friend Mallory is letting me borrow her saddle so Splash and I can ride western in the County Fair.
Mario - my Mario! Wow, what a horse. I was a little nervous getting to try Mario. I wasn't really going to ride, just test the saddle to see if the fit was good for me. So, I was in shorts. The trot was so smooth and Mario so responsive, I got brave. We trotted! Smooth as silk! We trotted some more. What a HORSE! Mallory suggested canter. I got braver and asked for canter. It was WONDERFUL! Mario is Magnificent!

I didn't fall off! Yaya.