The weather is about as perfect as weather in Oklahoma can be in September. The girls completed mighty show preparations without much help Friday afternoon getting the trailer cleaned out, gathering tack/cloths/etc. and washing the horses (I was busy at a social gathering for a friend turning 40).

So off we went Saturday morning bright and early (really O-dark:30) to the Mustang Arena at the Tulsa Expo for the Tulsa State Fair 4-H/FFA horse show. The girls showed well and both horses were good. Ivy and Pico were really good - 2nd in hunter under saddle (could have been first), 2nd hunt seat equitation (was the best), 2nd western horsemanship (was 2nd even against all those western horses) and 9th in western pleasure. Pico was relaxed and consistent with smooth as silk transitions all day long. Alaina and Sunny were not as sharp (her allergies were BAD). But still, the pair did well for the most part - 4th in showmanship (could have been 2 or 3rd), 4th hunter under saddle, 4th hunt seat equitation, 6th western pleasure, and 9th (last) in stakes. Alaina studied the 9 to 11 pattern and then rode some mix of patterns for western horsemanship - she couldn't get it together once she realized her mistake but Sunny gamely did what she asked.

I got my equine therapy on Sunday when the girls and I loaded Pico, Splash and Diez and headed to Cheval Lake to play with Mallory, Roxy, and Maddie. Ivy worked Sister with Mallory's help using Clinton Anderson methods. Roxy and Trooper, Maddie and Misty, Alaina and Diez, and Splash and I got started in the big arena. When Ivy was finished with Sister, Alaina switched over and ran Sister through her walk/trot paces. Mallory worked on one-reign stops, and took R, M, and I on a mini trail ride while I worked on stop/back/walk transitions with Splash.
Ahhh, a horsey fun weekend followed by short evening rides with the girls in the Wild Orban Ranch arena both Monday and Tuesday - the weather is just to perfect to skip any opportunity. I will miss out once again when the YaYa's ride at Rita's tomorrow. But, NEXT WEEK! Count me IN!
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