The Rogers County Free Fair is History!
Alaina's Placings on Sunny:
2nd Halter Palomino, 3rd Hunter Under Saddle, 1st Hunt Seat Eq, 2nd Trail, 5th Western Horsemanship. Ivy and Pico placed: 2nd Hunter Under Saddle, 2nd Hunt Seat Eq., 1st Hunter Hack, 6th Western Pleasure, and 4th Western Horsemanship. Very Nice Riding at this last point show of the 4-H season. We had the Youth Fun Show on Sunday and had a great time. Roxy joined in so I got to hang with Mallory (when I wasn't on annoucer duty). Ivy/Pico and Alaina/Sunny both won their heats of theTennis Ball Ballance race and Alaina won the final as well as the Jr/Sr championship. Then, Alaina and Sunny showed everyone how to canter balancing an egg on a spoon held in her teeth - very impressive but I missed the picture.
Splash was still miffed about his mane treatment last weekend so I just gave him a light banding job; he wasn't thrilled when the clippers quit working on his first ear and I had to finish the job with nail scissors (not pretty unless you like that "chewed by a beaver" look). Our showmanship was decent in parts but Splash showed his pushy side when we had to trot around the cone to the judge and stop (very tight pattern) - then stood mostly square for inspection followed by a non-pivot (clearly the weakest link, so I have to work on that - any ideas for training pivot?). After donning my new-blue riding shirt with the palm-tree ratcatcher, we had a pretty good ride in hunter under saddle - Splash had good impulsion (mostly), was steady in the bridle (mostly), was moving out nicely (mostly), and took correct leads at canter - only dropped to trot from left lead canter for a stride or two BEHIND the judge. Woo-HOO! Hunt Seat Equitation wasn't quite so good, but the pattern was accurate if a bit resistant in transitions. Even so, lots of fun to WIN although I would have been fine without the announcer calling my name followed by "the old lady" before announcing our placings. And my YaYa friend Joan (AKA the Duchess Bovina) dropped by in time to watch our classes. The rest of the show was more relaxing for me (I was DONE) and more YaYa sisters dropped by to say hi - Thanks Kathy and Judy - Next year, we will ALL ride. Judy (Princess Rides while Navajo Steers) can just point at the trail pattern and Navi will Just Do It while Kathy (AKA Countess Loves a Paint Mare) and Call will be ready to dominate in the hunter classes.
Meanwhile, the weather is cooled down beautifully and my YaYa's are riding Wed. evening when I will be out of town - again..... My time to ride is coming..... Soon.....A girl (AKA YaYa Sister) can dream.
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