RAIN! Thunder, lightning, and lots of rain. We were dry - dry - dry until Saturday night since the big storm on Friday night was just south of us. Then, in 2 days we got the years worth of rain. The Easter Bunny had to stay indoors on Sunday.
We managed to ride on Saturday morning at the PARTY LESSON! Sunny and Pico got to go for the girls lesson and I took Splash. Kathy/Call and Mallory/Raffles joined Splash and me - they were looking mighty fine.
Splash was a little miffed at being dusted off to go back into training. So, I lounged him a bit before the lesson. And, I used the german neck stretcher too.
We did the usual warm up and Splash was fusy in the bridle but we perservered. For
trot work we tried collection along the short end and the suggestion of extention on the long sides.
Collection without STOP was a challenge but we "drafted" off Kathy and Call to get some fairly nice trot along the long side. Then for canter, we tried to get counter bend to get better stepping up behind. Left lead was fairly good but we had a little trouble with right lead - not to bad after such a long break. Let's hope for improvement in the next few months. The good news is that Splash felt sound. Yeah!
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