The first cool front of Fall 2010 came through early Sunday morning and the day was windy and, compared with the 95 degrees on Sat., felt pretty chilly. My niece Amanda woke up and decided that she wanted to RIDE a HORSE for her birthday - so, she came to the Wild Orban Ranch and we had a horsey play birthday play day. We saddled Splash, Pico, Diez, and Sunny in western saddles and loaded up. In between, there was plenty of chicken chase'n. I think there is a better than good chance that a future yaya was born.
The Tulsa State Fair starts later this week, but the TSF 4-H/FFA show was held yesterday at the Tulsa Expo in the Mustang Arena. Ivy and Alaina were excited and we did the standard show prep.
Alaina came down with a cold and was not her usual perky self for the show - Sunny was pretty good and they placed in the ribbons in Showmanship (8th), Hunt Seat Eq(4th), Wst. Pleasure(7th), and Western Horsemanship(6th) - Sunny slid a wrong lead in for Hunter Under Saddle.
We have a ride night this Thursday and food bank work night on Tuesday. Then Friday night the girls get to go to the ODS/GCC kids camp. Should be really fun and I get to help.
Now that fall is here, I can dream of yaya rides together with my friends. Ahhhh.
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