Well, we finally got a dog. It has been a slow process waiting for Jet but Molly M had a sweetheart named Bubby who needed a new home. Bubby has been christened Jet by the girls although his personality is not all that speedy. Jet is an Aussie-miniAussie mix, chicken and cat friendly and pretty laid back. He hung out with the girls all afternoon and now is sleeping in his new digs.
In horsey news, the girls and I had lessons with Patty yesterday - what with the weather and my travel schedule, we hadn't had a chance to ride since the last ride night when Alaina was still sore from her unintended dismount at the Rocking C Dressage show on the 18th of July. She was still a little nervous about canter work but lounged the pesky Sunny before the ride; she did a great job and cantered after all. Ivy was doing really well with Pico and then he tried to resist her canter request and she popped him with the whip and he tried to rear and run off. Ivy got after him for the disobedience and worked through it. I am proud of both girls, since as you know, riding and training is not always easy.
My lesson with Splash was a mixed bag. We had some really nice canter departs and got the correct lead on his bad side every time. The leg yield right before the canter seems to help with the lead. I used the German Neck Stretcher and we had some nice trot work. But, during the first 20 min or so, Splash was looking for some space to resist the work. Several times, he felt like he would try to buck a little and I pushed him forward and he missed his chances. Those moments weren't pretty but.....
Then, Shannean rode Splash with the girls in their lesson and did really well. S&S had some good canter work after Shannean convinced the slug that she really does want to canter. So. progress is happening. YaYa!
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