Hello YaYa Sista's! Long time no ride together! The weather was hot but the humidity not to bad and the breeze was blowing strong. The girls and Steve were up at the annual Orban campout for the weekend and since I go back and forth, I got to ride at Patty's for the Sat. party lesson. Kathy B is in Mexico, and Carol J is busy with the big Show, but Marsha and I rode Lil and Splash and Ruthie joined us on Pico. Marsha and I shared spanish fries at Ron's afterward...mmmmmm... yummy....
Marsha started off lunging LB but then switched to Lil for the lesson. Lil was a bit stiff for warm up but then moved nicely and Marsha had a good lesson. Pico was a bit spooky with the wind

but Ruthie got a couple of really nice (energetic) canter transitions. We worked on leg yields and spiral circles in and out. Splash was his usual non-energetic self which makes lateral work so much harder for me since my energy is diverted to maintaining (or getting) forward movement. We really focused on our line from bit to elbow and discussed the corridor between leg, arm, rein and hand. Pico is further along with his training and so can be ridden in a more narrow corridor compared to Splash but I need to work toward a more direct path for the Splash. For canter work, Splash and I worked on our transitions (better) and keeping energy between circles and staight work. Pico and Ruthie worked on going deep into the corners between Patty, the mounting block and the shadow line near the rail. A very difficult exercise, but they did it and really improved their canter work.
The girls and I will take Kathy's lesson on Wed. since they have a 4-H show next weekend. Hope to ride the range with my yaya's soon, but I won't hold my breath.
May end up with a double comment - doesn't look like the first one came through. Reichert Appaloosa Celebration was a success - close to 50% growth in horses and entries. Missed the ride with you all -- and the Spanish fries! Hope to see you soon.