Not Me...
I rode my horse.
The Lovely weather in January morphed into winter last week and tried to ruin our party lesson and preparations for the Will Rogers Classic. It was so cold - never made 30 on Saturday - so we skipped the lesson and just did lunch. The sun came out, but it was to windy to warm up.
Cindy and Donna planned to visit and play with the ponys on Sunday Morning but it was in the teens first thing and was still cold. So we waved at the horses and had lunch.
Finally, after 4, it made the mid-thirties so I went out and worked Splash very lightly. The arena was dry in spots, mushy in spots, and slick in spots. Hard to gage so we walked/trotted and worked on some trail obstacles. Splash and I were all alone and he was really pretty good. So, a little equine therapy and hope for better weather by next weekend. I still plan on riding in the Will Rogers Classic in less than 2 weeks, I guess it won't be pretty.

Splash and Pico on a cold winter's day.
This looks like a fun kind of blog! I added you to my blogroll on Bob the Equestrian. Happy Trails! And all that...