At long last, the 4-H State Horse Show - 2011 - was Thursday though Saturday and the Green Country Classic dressage show was Saturday-Sunday. So, after returning from Shawnee Saturday night we volunteered at the Classic Sunday afternoon; Ivy and Alaina as runners and me on Paddock and "bit check:" duty. So - horse - horse - horse - fun - fun - fun.
Although I didn't see Patty ride Dante, I did catch one of her rides on Jurgen and it was the best I have seen. But the big news is that Patty earned her Bronze Metal with Dante this past weekend recieving a 62.368% from Dr. Paramjeet Chopra and a 60.526%Thomas Poulin - 2 qualifying scores when she only needed one! Congratulations to Patty and Dante! Yippeeeee.
Rita's Friesians did very well too. Silka's baby Teske Van G scored 68% and 68% in T3 and Jurgen Fan Bluffview received 64.828% and 61.724% in F1.
And.... the "girls" - Brady and Double Entrondre, Patty and Jurgen, Stephanie and Teske, and Sara and Rumba - placed second in the adult team competition.
At ride night Tuesday night, Krystal trimmed Pico, Sunny, and Sister and we got to see the Budwiser Clydesdales who were stalling at Expo on the way to TX. So cool to see those dainty little feet. Those feet got 5 bags of shavings per stall - no expense was spared.
Thursday morning, we met Mallory in Catoosa and headed west to Shawnee; I got the girls (Ivy, Alaina, Roxy, and Mattie) in the Truck with Me. Mallory was lonely all the way. The Rogers County 4-H horse club T-shirts were emblazoned with "Drop it Like its HOT" - but Alaina "Drops it like a Sock" - haha, she lost a sock out of the window between Chandler and Shawnee and I do not turn the trailer around for a sock.
First thing Friday morning, Ivy and Sister showed Halter mares 6 and over - they qualified as 4th place mares at District but didn't place at State. Then, Sunny and Alaina showed in Geldings 6 and over and showmanship 12-14 - no ribbon but Alaina and Sunny had a lovely showmanship pattern. Competition is stiff in their age division.
Later, Ivy and Pico had their 2 riding classes - English Equitation and Hunter Hack. Ivy was 2nd to go in Eq and watched the girl in front of her totally blow the pattern. Did the pattern to perfection until almost the end, when doubt caught up with her and she skipped the last trot circle. Ivy and Freako-Pico managed to place 7 in Hunter Hack - just a little hesitation in approaching the second jump.
Saturday morning it was time for Trail. Sunny and Alaina placed 2nd out of 30 entries - and won an embroidered bridle bag. Very exciting. Sunny was very good, was steady and willing and accurate. Just over-rotated a bit in the tiny box and looked a little uneven in the complicated back through. Did not eat corn plants or pull down the gate (which has been done twice before).
Western Pleasure was good (canters a bit fast) and Western
Horsemanship very nice (just a head pop at the very end of the pattern) - neither good enough for call back. But nice rides none the less.
So, now we can relax until the July shows (4-H and ODS/GCC). and work in some YaYa rides too.
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