On Saturday morning I worked Slug-Splash in the party lesson with Marsha and Lil and Carol and Snip. Splash started the lesson with the look of a recalcitrant school boy but, with the help of "der German Neck Stretcher," became resigned to flat work. We got right lead canter after a couple of rough starts and left lead canter first try. No bucks or head shake. Progress when you consider the lack of regular work at the sloppy Wild Orban Ranch (WOR) arena.
The girls and their horses started off their weekend horse activities with a lesson Sat. afternoon after a long practice hiatus because of a water logged arena at the WOR. Both girls worked their horses on transitions and rider position. Then Alaina worked Sunny backing around barrels while Ivy worked Pico over crossbars working up from trot-overs to canter segments. Both felt ready for the show.
The show day dawned bright and cool with no hint of cloud or rain - Finally. Hopefully, we won't start full-fledged drought mode immediately.

The girls had a mostly successful show with Ivy placing in halter showing Splash and Alaina placing in Showmanship with Sunny. Then, on to the the riding classes. Both girls did well in the English classes placing 1 and 2 in Hunter Under Saddle. Equitation was rough with a difficult pattern including counter canter. After much success on Sat. with Pico over crossbars, Ivy was very dissapointed when Pico refused the crossbars, probably because the ground poles were set 18 inches or so in front of the crossbars.
Then, in Western, both girls rode fairly well although Ivy and Pico had some lead issues and Alaina and Sunny had slow canter tranisitons. Alaina placed 2nd in Trail and was thrilled. Alaina skipped the speed events but Ivy and Pico had some lovely canters around the barrels and stakes. Pico swung wide around the first pole and they DQed when Pico crossed the timer line before finishing the pattern.
The girls had fun riding and playing with their friends.... and, found a dog friend as usual.
YaYa rides will start again this week ! But I will have to miss out and will try to survive until next week. YAYA and feed your mounts a horse treat for me.
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