Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!

The Walkerosa was beautiful on January 1, 2012 for the our first trailride of the year - sunny with a high of 55 degrees and light breezes.  Fantastic day and a fantastic ride.  Eighteen riders and one walker wearing mud boots to keep her feet dry.  After our ride, we shared potluck with a couple ways to eat blackeyed peas, cowboy chilli, cranberry salsa, salad, brownies, pie, Juli's beer bread, etc..... YUM! 

Reese was wearing his New Year's tiara and all the mounts were very good.  Ivy and Pico found a jump to play over and Alaina and Diez tried to outwalk the walkers in the front.  Splash and Sunny brought up the rear most of the time with Tater and Rio.

We had lovely weather last couple of weeks of 2011 and the girls and I had several horsey outings including a visit to Rita's last week to play with Fresians!  Cindy H (Duchess Desires a Fresian), Sherry B and the Hays family joined in too. Ivy and Alaina rode both Silka and Jurgan; I took a quick turn on Jurgan and now have a new YaYa name (Duchess Also Desires a Fresian!).  Cindy rode a walker out back and Alaina took Silka through the woods.  When we were finished in the back field, we put a sidesaddle on Splash just for fun.  Alaina and Abbi managed a quick trot, but I was testing my balance limits at the walk.  Splash wasn't really into it but didn't object either.

Splash has been good during our last couple of lessons at Patty's - trot work is really improved, forward and more consistant contact with the bit.  His walk is still sluggy and right lead canter difficult to maintain, but both are very slowly getting better.

So, 2012 lies ahead and I look forward to working with Splash to develop his abilties beyond Into Level.  Cross Fingers.  Ivy and Pico need to really refine their First Level movements and Alaina and Sunny will consider a move into Pri Caprilli.  And, Maybe... Splash and I will try a western dressage class or two.

And as many YaYa Rides and we can manage.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! Hope you have a good one!
