Sunday, March 8, 2009

Will Rogers Classic - Day 2

After a full day of showing yesterday, we got up an hour early for daylight savings and headed back to the Claremore Expo for day 2 of the Will Rogers Classic. The ridiculous wind was gone and the temperature was cooler. With a closer parking spot, things were less hectic and we started the show with an English halter on Splash for halter and showmanship (borrowed from Kathy B) for the day.
Then, the girls were very excited when they spotted a motorcyclist in the midst of horses galore.
Uncle Jack dropped by to breath some arena dust and see the girls ride. As a bonus, he got to see me ride as well and helped the girls saddle their horses while I showed Splash in Adult Showmanship. Alaina did a great job on Sunny in English, placing first in Hunt Seat Eq for the second day in a row. Ivy was looking very nice and slightly more relaxed at the trot with Pico. Splash was about as expected in the Hunter Under class for me but no canter transitions in the equitation pattern.
Kathy B. decided at the last minute to bring Call and ride in the English classes with me. They did a great job and placed over Pico and me in both riding classes. Way to go Kathy! Tammy C. did a clean sweep of the English and took home the Grand Prize for Adult English and (surprise) Splash and I got Reserve. Even better, Alaina took Reserve English 11 and under which was very exciting! Both girls rode well in Western and Ivy relaxed a little and asked for canter in the western horsemanship - even got a stride. THEN! both girls decided to ride the speed events. So, with the pressure off, Ivy cantered Pico around the barrels, then weaved through poles, and finished of the stakes! All with lovely dressage-canters..... very elegant. So, the day finished with silly girls as these pictures show. Very fun -

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