Sunday, September 21, 2008

Promise Acres Schooling Show

Hello YaYas,

Well today I worked in the schooling show around preparing a presentation for my class tomorrow and Ron baling some more hay. Had to make him breakfast before I left as I knew he would work all day and not eat anything significant until we got home. However, I guess it's my turn to be disappointed. Our scores were 65 and 61 for Intro A and B, respectively. I felt it was our best ride for Intro B ever. Evidently the judge did not share their enthusiasm. It was our worst Intro B score ever.

It was a beautiful day and the facilities were nice. Mel went to help me as she knew I was already exhausted. She is a great help to me. It was nice to see the old neighborhood again. The facilities and the folks there were all real nice. However, Cathy the arena was dark and scary though, even Lil did not want to approach the judges stand at C. Despite all that was against us, we had two good rides. I got to try out my new looped reins which I think will help me alot. I might need spurs though.

Cathy, I'm glad the girls did well and enjoyed their rides.

Carol, I’m glad to hear you had a great ride. How nice is it to see evidence of all our hard work with a good ride??

We got to see Larry and Patty and Rita and Sandy and meet some new folks. The new folks had no idea of what was going on or how things work at a dressage show. I tried to explain as much as I could but it's so good to see some newbies getting involved... :) How can I remain disappointed for long?

I hope all have a good week. I'd upload some pics but Mel said the arena was too dark for pics.

Plus my system at home is too slow for uploading pics in a timely manner.

Learning to take it all in stride, Marsha


  1. Marsha and the rest of you who train and go to these shows are great! Just being out there trying makes you a winner in my book! I went week before last and saw Splash ... I didn't get to the fair in time to see Rita or Cathy or her girls. I did get to see a couple of kids from Inola showing their first cows. One of them made Grand Champion and will be showing in Tulsa this week.

    Saturday, Sherry, Sandie and I went to the Woolarock ride in Bartlesville last weekend. I followed Sherry to Bartlesville and then back that night. Great navigation skills Sherry! A bunch of people (eight) went the night before from Inola.

    Beautiful day ... beautiful ride ...

  2. Oh Marsha - Sorry your scores didn't reflect your good ride. You know that judges all score to their own tastes and a 5 can mean sufficient or pretty good and a 6 can mean good or really good. I know you had good rides if you could feel them and you know some judges really value impulsion which is always hard for a quarter horse. If the areana was dark, Pico and I would have been really scared so I am very proud of you and Lil. See you soon. c
