Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's a Sad Story

But there is a happy ending:  YaYaRiders II

Blogging this past summer has been a challenge.  I know you won't believe it, but I have posted a few photos.  And, although there is supposed to be unlimited photo storage on Blogger (so long as you don't use Picassa), I can't seem to solve the dreaded problem of limited photo storage.  I don't use Picassa on purpose, have tried to remove the program from my old computer (I think I was successful), deleted duplicate photos, struggled with the limit every post.  No good.  So when the issue turned up again (like a bad penny) on my new computer.  I gave up.

Ya-Ya Riders is moving to a new blog:  YaYaRiders II

Visit soon and Happy Trails - YaYa!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Operator Error!

After years of English riding lessons and aspirations of moving up the levels with my horse of the hour (TC, Pico, Splash, Sister, and Splash again), I had a mad moment and decided that I wanted to ride Splash in the "trail" class at the Rogers County Fair this year.  So, Splash got to spend a few weeks with Dawn D to learn how to neck rein (he is to old for western direct reining) and I had a few western lessons myself.  I needed to learn how to hold the split reins (harder than I thought), hold my non-rein hand properly and steady (a work in progress), how to tack up (need weightlifting practice to haul the heavy saddle), how to walk in spurs (never squat), and how to hold those pesky spit reins (did I mention that?).

Well, 2 lessons on Missy were not pretty at the canter.  But I didn't fall off.  Two lessons with Dawn and we made some real progress AND I didn't fall off.  Our canter departs were all in the correct lead and we were able to canter over 4 poles!  The back through is VERY rough - my cues are to strong so Splash slings his rump back and forth bashing and rearranging poles along the way.  At the Saturday Party Lesson, we had nice trots and decent leg yields.  Canter was way to fast but leads were correct.  Then, gate practice.  I managed to drop the left rein twice.  Oops!  Then, the back-through.  A little better with my cues but I dropped the left rein AGAIN.  This is a problem I can not blame on Splash.  Super Glue?

Sunny and Pico are still in recovery so Alaina has been concentrating on Sister.  Cynthia is generously sharing Ahab with Ivy, so she is getting to ride too.  In preparation for the Fun Show to Benefit Fire Victims, Alaina needed to ride Sister bareback for Ride-a-Buck.  She gave bareback a try on Saturday and was successful although the dollar will be lost very quickly.  Ivy is working on a Horse Beard, and tried it on Sister.  Ahab will be sound on his peg-leg but I don't think the Blue Whale of Catoosa will be in danger.

Patty and Larry hosted a benefit fun show on Sunday afternoon starting with a pot luck lunch.  Then, Ride-a-Buck, Water Glass, TP Pairs, Egg-n-Spoon, and Boot Race as well as Best Groomed, costume, etc.   Splash and I won the egg and spoon!  Who knew?  I had a blast riding in the fun classes with the other Over-the-Hill gang (41 and up age group).  The temperature was over 100 but the covered arena made all the difference.  The show had a great turnout and over 8,000 dollars was raised for Oklahoma Fire Victims. 

Now - if only we can get a little cooler and ride the range again with my YaYa Sisters..... a girl can dream.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Splash Makes Western Progress

Another work trip last week and I needed equine therapy.  So, Friday evening we were off to Inola for drill practice.  Sunny and Pico were resting so Ivy rode Ahab and Alaina worked with Sister.  The drill team worked with the required elements and timed the drill - all eight kids were there so practice went well.  I think. 
Mallory and I were playing with Mario.  Mario was wearing Mallory's beautiful Dale C show saddle.  Mallory warmed him up with some Clinton Anderson exercises.  Then, I got to test out the saddle.  It works for me, so my wonderful friend Mallory is letting me borrow her saddle so Splash and I can ride western in the County Fair.

Mario - my Mario!  Wow, what a horse.  I was a little nervous getting to try Mario.  I wasn't really going to ride, just test the saddle to see if the fit was good for me.  So, I was in shorts.  The trot was so smooth and Mario so responsive, I got brave. We trotted!  Smooth as silk!  We trotted some more.  What a HORSE!  Mallory suggested canter.  I got braver and asked for canter.  It was WONDERFUL!  Mario is Magnificent!

Mary, Kathy, Nancy, and I had our fun party lesson.  Kathy brought Missy for me and we made some western progress.  Then LAL at Graham's.  And, then!  Another lesson on Splash with Dawn D.  I dug out my old Dan Post boots, Splash got to wear the Dale C, I used Splash's 'new' western bridle (rawhide brow band with your basic Tom Thumb), and I used Kale's old "star" spurs with mild rowel.  The right spur fell off while I was walking to the arena so I tightened them up.  Mounted, and I was only half way around the arena when the spur fell off again.  Dawn punched some holes and we continued.  We worked on pivots, turns on forehand, side pass and turns in the box.  Splash is figuring things out.   Me? Not so much.  My timing is rough.  Then, we cantered.  Transitions were pretty good, steering?  Not so much.  We tried again and got better.  Both directions, several canter transitions, correct leads.  Yippee!  Then, we tried to stop in the box.  HAHAHA.  We tried again and got a little better. 
I didn't fall off!  Yaya.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Two Lame Horses

English is on top in Laramie, WY
 Yes, sad but true.  Pico has been just slightly off, on and off, for a couple of weeks so we started him on glucosamine supplement (Sunny has been on that for months).  He seemed ok at the show last weekend.  Sunny was fine until the show last week when he hobbled for a few steps doing showmanship but them seemed to be fine when Alaina was riding.  Although he did try to do a jump like a trail pattern - stepping on the jump and breaking a jump standard.

Alaina's first lesson on Sister
I spent a few days in WY for work inspecting the pipeline and gave the horses a few days rest. Off to drill practice on Friday evening and Sunny was off. So, Alaina rode Sister for practice and Ivy worked Pico - he was a little off. We left Sunny home on Sat. and took Sister for Alaina and Ivy planned to work with Pico, but alas, he was worse so he got to eat hay at the trailer. Ivy got the chance to ride Ahab. Both girls worked on jumping and Ivy enjoyed riding a willing jumping horse (her smile was so big she made her cheeks sore). Alaina worked on canter using the little jumps as the transitions from trot to canter - Sister makes those very smoothly but wrings her tail and resists canter departs from cues. They made progress and Alaina really did a nice job.

Ivy riding Ahab - He LIKES to JUMP

In Splash news.... He has been learning about neck reining and western leverage bits. The first contact with the chin strap several weeks ago made him rear up but he is accepting the mild Tom Thumb. Dawn D gave me a western lesson in Alaina's western saddle on Friday morning. I had to wear HUGE western spurs and hold split reins in my left hand - and let go of my contact (read death grip). We worked on walk/trot, figure 8's, side passing and pivot/turns on forehand. Splash was doing better than I was.  But I didn't fall off.  I did get a blister on the inside of my knuckle from the split rein - very sad.

Call and Missy have NICE....
Thank goodness we got to have the Saturday Party Lesson at Patty's. Kathy B brought Missy for me to ride and get some western training. I used Alaina's saddle and Ivy's bridle with Rommel reins. Missy was very good for me and I even got to experience the the feel of a reining spin. I gathered all my courage and grabbed the saddle horn for our canter left lead.  Then I remembered you are supposed to neck rein to steer!  Ooops.  We tried again and stayed on the rail.  And let go of the horn.  Then we tried right lead.  Not Missy's good side, but we stayed on the rail and I didn't fall off.  We finished the lesson and went to lunch.  Yum.  The Party Lesson is an all day affair.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Summer Show

The Rogers County 4-H Horse Club held their Hot Horse Show on August 11 expecting the triple digit heat that has baked the state for the last few weeks.  So, no stifling show cloths required - casual dress (Tee-shirts and jeans) and a more relaxed atmosphere made for a fun and relaxing show.  Good news, a COLD FRONT meant that the temps were in the 90's - comparatively cool.

Class Ivy Alaina
Halter 6 NA
Showmanship 6 5
Hunter Under Saddle 2 3
Hunt Seat Eq 5 1
Hunter Hack 1 3
Trail 4 3
Western Pleasure 6 5
Western Horsemanship 5 6
Barrels NA 5
Poles NA 5

Both Pico and Sunny had some hitches in their get-alongs.  First thing in the morning, Sunny stood waiting for showmanship a LONG time and then had to go from stand to trot.  It wasn't smooth but he smoothed out once they started riding.  Pico has a chunk out of his front right hoof which could be why he has an occasional hop in his trot on the left diagonal.  Both girls rode Hunter Under Saddle well.  Hunt Seat Eq had a turn on the forehand to the right.  The judge tried to explain but the kids got confused - half went left (including Ivy) and half went right (including Alaina).  Ivy and Pico had a really good Hunter Hack - very forward to the jumps and correct leads.  Alaina and Sunny - not so much.  Sunny stepped on the rail and broke a jump cup - he thought he was riding in trail.

Western competition was tough so the girls are looking toward the final show of the year (county fair) to get a few more points.

So, no party lesson and, since I spent the week in Kansas, no Friday Play-Day.  But the hint of cooling makes me look forward to fall and riding with my YaYa Sisters.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Drill Team Report

Excessive heat warnings were issued so we cancelled Ride Night on Thursday evening; temperatures ranged from 108 to 112.  To beat the heat, we worked Sister Friday morning in the WOR Arena.  I switched bits too since the loose ring snaffle we have been using is a little thick and I hope she will like a thinner D-ring.  Maybe she does, but who can say.

After cancelling drill 2 weeks in a row because it was to hot, we went ahead in spite of the high of 112 degrees.  In the shade of the Rocking C arena, with low humidity and a brisk breeze, the practice went well - walk/trot only to be safe.  Pico was a little off; perhaps its a little arthritis?  We will start him on some joint supplement ASAP.  Since he is 17, perhaps we should have started him on joint supplement earlier?  Alaina and Sunny did a little flag practice too (their first attempt).

Sister and I went to the Party Lesson alone.  We did warm-up with Clinton Anderson exercises including backing and desensitizing with stick and string.  We concentrated on correct bend and support to prevent falling in or falling out.  Sister really drops her shoulder to the left rather than bending left so I worked to provide enough outside rein and inside leg.  We worked spiral-in/out both directions and then leg-yields before........   asking for CANTER.  We started right lead and the transitions were prompt if a little rushed and we stayed on the 20 m circle.  Then.... the dreaded LEFT LEAD.  Sister did NOT want to take the canter and our first transition was tough.  We were 3/4 of the way around the circle before we got the canter depart.  Sister felt rushed and I tried to sit deep and give half-halts to help with balance.  Our second canter depart was better so we stopped before I ran out of steam.   I claim success since I didn't fall OFF.  Yippee.

On a somber note, several large wild fires ravaged areas west of Tulsa on Saturday made more dangerous by the stiff breeze and the extra dry conditions.  Donna and Billy lost their detached garage (holding all their sentimental keepsakes as well as furnishings in storage while they remodel the house).  Saturday evening, a front came through with cooler temps and a change of wind-directions helped firefighters gain some control.  But, several towns were decimated and many have lost homes.  The front brought a little rain in our neck of the woods as well as some serious wind so we lost power for a few hours.  Perhaps the moisture will help lower the fire danger. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summer Heat

Almost August in OK so it should be hot.  I still can whine and then have some wine in the AC.

Friend Chelsea L visited Tuesday evening to try western on Sunny.  She is a serious jumper and has never ridden western but had a tryout today for a college equestrian team at NEO - western - so wanted a little experience in a western saddle on a western pony.  Alaina enjoyed giving advice to such an accomplished rider and Chelsea followed up with a lesson at Dawn D on Friday.  She is a good rider so cross fingers and toes for her.

The girls and I took some horses to the Hays Homestead to play on Friday morning.  Ivy and Abbi jumped while Alaina, Lara, and Annabelle worked on their western.  Meanwhile, I worked Sister in the round pen and Alaina followed up by riding her - walk/trot/canter - no kick-out so I took heart.

So, since Splash is still at Dawn D's, I took Sister to the party lesson.  Started out with some Clinton Anderson exercises before mounting up for the lesson.  Sister was very forward but fussy in the bridle and falling left/right.  So we worked on circular connection keeping leg and hand on to maintain straightness or bend.  We made some progress but I didn't feel confident enough to ask for canter.

The girls and I rode on Sunday morning - I worked Sister on bend after starting out with CA groundwork.  After I was finished working Sister, Alaina got on to try canter both directions.  Things went well.  Then, Ivy worked a bit of trot work over crossbars.  Sister was pretty good.

The temperatures are in the triple digits with 114 forecast later this week.  At this rate, YaYa rides are months away.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Vacation in Wyoming with the Raven Lunatics

Wild - Wonderful - Wyoming (Wyoming Pictures)

... not sure where the summer has gone. Fast and Furious so I missed a few weeks of blogging. Sorry 'bout that.

Eight Raven Lunatics (ravenlunaticsofwy) enjoyed a week in Dubois, Yellowstone, and Jackson Hole as well as friendship, food, and fun. Grace's beautiful place in Upper Little Warm Springs was home base. The Raven Lunatics evolved from the Dangerous Hot Flashs' (wydangeroushotflashes) trip to Turpin Meadow's three years ago - Grace R, Marcia G, Tami C, Denise R, Carla R, Charlotte H, Donna O and me.

After Grace collected travelers in Jackson Hole from various flights on Saturday, the lunatics headed across the mountains to Dubois for dinner and visiting. Hiking in the BLM wilderness outside Grace's back gate was on the agenda for Sunday and we finished the day at the local Chamber BBQ fundraiser and a lovely visit with Nancy at her place on the Wind River (Nancy is an original Hot Flash!).

Early Monday and we were OFF (our rockers) to Yellowstone!  Charlotte, Donna, and I were in the rental car - no power on steep, mountain grades, so we named her Bitsy.  Our evening destination was Mammoth to soak in the public hot springs.  We took Bitsy to the west gate and got stuck in a Buffalo road block for FOUR LONG HOURS - but, Donna and I went hiking in Yellowstone (up the line of cars a couple of times) while Charlotte manned Bitsy.

Yellowstone is magnificent!  Wildlife (including those pesky buffalo) everywhere you look.  We saw mule and whitetail deer, elk, grizzly and brown (or black?) bears, squirrels, ground squirrels, rabbits, coyote, snakes, bald eagles, osprey, and MORE buffalo!  And, there are geothermal features everywhere too - Old Faithful, Steady and unsteady geysers, hot springs, steam vents, the Firehole River, and mud holes.  And Mammoth!  And more Buffalo.  And Geyser Gators! We spent the night in adorable Mammoth cabins and headed back to home base the following day.

Riding was on the agenda for Wednesday afternoon so Donna, Charlotte and I headed to Union Pass and the Crooked Creek Guest Ranch.  Sad Faces when we had to reschedule because of a serious storm.  But we checked out beautiful lodges, looked for Lucy the Moose, and experienced hail-splat from that wild Wyoming Storm.  So, more hiking after the storm moved through and discovery of the Horse Face tree, Bark Mask, and the the Raven....

Thursday's plan was for White Water Rafting on the Snake River so we headed to Jackson and Barker Ewing Rafting Co. Class 3 rapids - 72 degree air temperature - 56 degree water temperature. Refreshing!

Charlotte, Donna, and I teamed up with Valentine, Freckles, and Rocky to follow our leader Michelle up into the mountains of Union Pass.  Beautiful Ride!  We went OFF-ROAD.

We Work-OUT.... SIDE....

And we saw Lucy! We capped-offed our day at the Dubois Rodeo - Breast Cancer Awareness Special. Mutton Busting with full grown RAMS. Ribbon Wrestling with the Calcutta Auction (I still need a full explaination, but it was fun). And all the other usual rodeo stuff.

Charlotte headed home on Saturday and took Bitsy back to her barn while the rest of the Lunatics relaxed and shopped downtown or at the Opportunity Shop Auction.  Moosalicous! 


Back in OK, its still hot! Ester came for a visit to have her picture made with Diez and Ivy showed off with Pico jumping bareback and Alaina showed off standing on Diez.

I am ready to continue the fun with my YaYa Sisters. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Independence - Day

I work out ... side....  Check out this video when you have a moment.

I'm Farming and I Grow It

So, late June and early July were a bust for riding.  The last weekend of June was full of hay hauling so missed both drill and the party lesson.

Then off to Nowata for the annual 4th festivities.  Then swapped Sister for TC at Mallory's so that the girls could work Sister this summer and perhaps make some training progress.  And, Splash went off to Dawn's for lessons in neck-reining (I hope to ride Trail at the Rogers County Fair in September).

And, I escaped OK Heat to Wyoming in Mid-July.  Fun.  Perhaps the weather will cool soon and our YaYa rides can resume.  I am ready for fall.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Truck Tire Trauma

You know what they say ..... if it's got tires or .....  they're gonna be trouble.

Last weekend's horse fun was foiled by a bad tire.  Now, when did we buy that used truck?  How old were the tires then?  HMMMM - no one knows.

So we headed to Inola on Friday evening for drill team practice with Sunny (Alaina was excited for his first time) and Pico.  Splash was along too so that Mallory and I could play with our ponies while the girls drilled.  All systems were go untill we turned south on 88.  Then the truck started bucking and I pulled over, felt tires for heat, looked for smoke, popped the hood to check belts... Looked ok, so continued south.  Repeat.  Got to the curve at the church and turned around for home because retreat is the better part of valor.  We were clearly having some sort of trouble and I didn't want to be coming home at night on 88 with kids and horses and really break down.  Ran into Steve coming out of the driveway and caused a small incident with the fence.  But we were home safe and sound so we transferred stuff to the car and raced back to Inola to do a bit of drill on borrowed horses.  Alaina was back on Ahab and Ivy tried Lady.  Short and Sweet but Patty and crew were gearing up for the Schooling Show at ATRC on Sat.

So, no party lesson either.  We did do lunch at Goldies with Mallory and Roxy so got to spend some time with our horsey friends.  We took the truck to the shop Saterday morning for evaluation by the experts - verdict?  Bad tire.  Now my truck has four new ones.    The temperature was in triple digits over the weekend and was forcast to stay up all week - so no YaYa ride either.  Bummer.  But good drying weather for HAY.  Perhaps by the weekend.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Horse Shows Weekend

Oh, and Father's Day too.  Whew - the girls managed to create cute cards even though we were in Shawnee Thurs-Sat for the 2012 State 4-H Horse Show and working a shift at the GCC/ODS Green Country Classic on Sunday afternoon.  I think we had lots of fun but I am too tired to be sure.  And, I am off to Kansas tomorrow so will miss riding with my YaYa Sisters. 

We had company on Sunday evening as well - Way Fun.  Brandon and Liz stayed over on their way across country to Denver before they start their summer Hike from Denver to Durango and we gave Liz her very first horseback ride on the fabulous Sunny - still feeling fine after his hard work at state.  Brandon road Splash bareback (rather than in my Isabelle) while Alaina dusted off the Dezzie-Doo and Ivy jumped Pico (both bareback).  They could have been showing off.  Liz has also tried her hand with firearms at the shooting range (another first during her OK trip) in Sapulpa and I think her future is in Cowboy Mounted Shooting.

Steve followed us to Shawnee on Thursday to help unload and do the heavy lifting.  After moving in horses, fans, hay, water, and shavings as well as a few snacks, Steve headed back to Claremore to care for the rest of the stock.  It was warm but dry and we watched a bit of speed before having an early dinner and then washing/banding the beasts.  Ivy and Alaina take care of the washing and I band with their help.  Show-prep is no longer the exhausting work of the lone ranger.  Yippeeeeeee.  Back to LaQuinta for a quick swim with friends before hitting the sack.  4:00am and the hotel windows rattled while the Thunder Rolled (weather not basketball).  Big storms dumped a ton of needed rain on Shawnee and points east.  Cloud cover kept temps moderate if a bit muggy for most of Friday (way cooler than last year's 114 degrees).  Friday was English day and Sunny was a really good English pony for Alaina - they made call-backs for both HUS and HSE then placed 7th in jumping!  Ivy and Pico placed 10th in HSE and 4th in Jumping.  The Rogers County Horse Club jumping team all placed - Abby/3, Ivy/4, Alaina/7 and Teresa/9.
First thing Saturday morning (Western day) and Trail started promptly at 8:30am.  The final obstacle was a tree and "water" hazard combo that stymied many horses including Sunny and Pico.  But both horses did the rest of the course fairly well and placed 8th and 10 respectively (of 32 entries).  Then, Alaina and Sunny made the call-backs for Western Pleasure and placed 8th out of a huge class.

Steve and Kale came early to watch a little of the show and help load up before heading back to Claremore in the late afternoon.

State 2012 is in the books!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mounted ZUMBA!

T-Minus 5 days until the 4-H State Horse Show.  So the weekend was filled with fun horsey activities.  Friday morning and Alaina had a Western/trail lesson with Dawn.  They worked on lightening neck reining, elevated trot overs and canter.  Sunny is still not back to normal movement on the right lead but it is better.  The biggest issue Alaina is having is with back throughs - and Sunny has been very good at them in his history.  So, further training needed.
  Saturday morning and Ivy/Pico, Alaina/Ahab, and Roxy/Trouper worked on equitation - including posting trot w/out stirrups!  Roxy was worried about "falling off at the canter" so Patty said she could pick up stirrups before cantering.  That was the challenge Roxy needed, so she cantered stirrup-free and handled it nicely.  Then Nancy, Mallory, Mary, Cynthia and I rode.  Patty had us try moving our hips in a figure 8 with the horse's walking movement.  Voila!  Zumba on Horseback.  We worked on sitting trot (Splash is pretty good) and the changing diagonals every 6-4-2-1 stride (Mary made really good progress with her introduction to posting).  Splash took correct leads for our canters although we had one unasked downward transition to trot.  Our biggest issue at the lesson was leg yield left.  Splash was NOT responsive.  Again, more training needed.

The party lesson extended into Sunday when we met our horsey friends at Hideaway for lunch and then went to the Western Dressage Demonstration at Pinto World.  Cliff Swanson demonstrated on a beautiful Morgan Stallion - how to work 10 meter circles in the 20 meter circle, change of rein through the circle, leg yields, haunches-in, and shoulder-in.  The audience applauded when he discussed the desired impulsion of the trot in western dressage - NO LIMPY LOPE ALLOWED.  Ivy learned about putting your weight in the right (or left) stirrup when leg yielding right (or left).  Posting is not allowed during any level of Western Dressage.  Splash and I might try it out at the next Dressage show.
My YaYa Sisters are riding Wednesday evening but the girls and I will be completing the mighty preparations for STATE.  Trailer loading and a last practice ride for each.  Hope my horsey friends have fun with out me but I will be thinking of them.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


June 1!  I guess summer is really here.  Ivy and Alaina took Splash, Sunny and Diez to Choteau Elementary in West Tulsa to share our horses with my first grade Junior Achievement class.  The girls told the kids about Arabians, Quarter Horses, and Appaloosas as well as English and western tack.  Then, the kids each got to pat a pony and have their picture taken.  The girls got horse handling help from some other eighth-grade kids who were volunteering in the classrooms.

Next, we stopped at DiAmico Performance Horses for a lesson with Dawn and to leave Sunny in Dawn's capable hands for a State Trail Tune-up.  Sunny got a chiropractic adjustment last week and has been moving strangely at the left lead canter ever since.  So, Alaina got a lesson and Dawn had Alaina do some counter canter exercises to work on the left lead canter issue.  Perhaps Sunny was out of alignment long enough to cause a real issue after adjustment or who knows?  If it continues, Dawn will consult with Dr. Matt for more advice.  Cross fingers and toes since State is in less than 2 weeks.  Has anyone else had adjustment cause a problem?  While Alaina was riding, Ivy was drawing rider and mount.  BTW - Dawn has to coolest chair in her barn.  I want want one too.

Friday night, Ivy and Alaina joined the Rocking C Drill Team for the first summer practice.  Ivy rode Pico but Alaina had to use Splash since Sunny is at Dawn's.  Splash gave Alaina a rough time, but she worked him through it.  But, she does NOT want to ride Splash EVER again.  Who will she ride in the Saturday Party Lesson?  That would be Jetter.  The girls concentrated on equitation.  Mallory and Roxy are in Texas but Nancy and Kathy joined Splash and me for the 11 O'Clock. Then, off to Graham's for Cythia's Birthday lunch.  German Chocolate.  YummO.
Meanwhile, Alaina is plotting to ride Ahab for drill until Sunny is back at the Wild O Ranch - Cynthia says she can ride him anytime.  Can you believe she would dis my Splash-man?  We finished off our horsey fun for the weekend by gathering at Olive Garden for dinner followed by a movie - Cowgirls and Angels.  We laughed, we cried....  It was cute and featured stunt riding by a former ODSmember, Barbara Ganzel's, grandkids Haley and Holt Ganzel.  We missed some of our YaYa sisters at the movie because of other summer activities - but we will plan a ride next chance we get.  YaYa!