Sunday, June 28, 2009

To Hot to Show

Finally, a cool front came through and we got a break from the roasting temps and high humidities today. The dressage show scheduled for Sat. was cancelled because of the hi temp warnings that were issued all week - we were at 101-103 with about 50 % humidity and no wind to help - putting us in the caution zone of heat management for horses. With minimal shade the show could have been dangerous for riders as well as horses. So, Carol/Shiloe, Marsha/Lil, and me/Splash had an 8:30 lesson on Sat. morning so we could get back home before things heated up to much. Shiloe was looking fine and Lil looked good too. I used both the famous German Neck Stretcher and my BIG spurs. The spurs are not sharpe but have balls that roll. The heat made Splash sluggier than usual and my spurs wore the hair off - I will have to try the Prince of Wales spurs instead next time.

We worked on sitting trot with out stirrups for at least an hour.... ok, if felt like an hour but was 6 or 8 min. Splash worked pretty well at the trot for the most part. Then, we worked on canter transitions by circling in the end and picking up canter for a circle of two and then change reign and trot at X and picking up the canter again and circling a time or two and changing reign again. Splash still has trouble with right lead canter and a little leg yeild to the left and asking for canter in the corner helps. Splash had a huge stumble but we didnt' fall when we were almost finished. The heat really makes Splash more slug-like than usual but the neck stretcher really helps with that.

Marsha's neice Gabby was visiting so we met at Goldies in Claremore after we dropped the horses off in their respective pastures. Ran into the Hayes clan so with Kathy B, we had 4 tables together for lunch. Then, Gabby, Marsha, the girls and I roamed Attwoods and snacked on gummy worms at the picnic table near swimming supplies. Very relaxing. Hope the relative cool stays here for a while and that we are all back in the saddle soon. yaya

Rocking C Stables at June Show

It's been a busy June so far. Patty and the Rocking C Drill team did really well at the June dressage show in Claremore.

The drill team has really come together over the last year and rode some great classes.

Patty and Dante did well, both in their classes and in the exhibition ride Patty did.

Denise and Jurgen were a big hit in their Phantom of the Opera exhibition ride.

To see more photos from the show, go to

Monday, June 22, 2009

The 4-H State Horse Show in Shawnee!!! Wheeee

The Rogers County Horse Club went to the state horse show as the "Beach Bums Soaking up the Competition" and decorated the stalls with posters and garlands of Hawaiian flowers. The horses looked cute in their leis too.

Shawnee was full of their version of the trail of painted ponies and this rearing horse was the favorite. We planned on posing with one before we left town but ran out of time and shot this on our way home. Next year.......

Kathy B came along to keep me company and help with the mighty preparations... Kathy was in charge of hair and braiding. It runs in the family since Krystal did the trimming last weekend. Thanks friend - it was fun to have a partner to share the wealth (work!).

Ivy and Alaina had a wonderful time with their friends and playing with their ponies.
Alaina and Sunny had a great show. They competed in showmanship, hunter under saddle, hunt seat eq, western pleasure and western horsemanship. They placed in HUS and USE - 9th and 10th! And the really strange but true thing, they placed just above and just below Charlie - Sunny's half brother out of OSU I Stand Grand. Charlie is OSU Triple My Check and Sunny is OSU Taris Two Grand. Charlie was Amanda Burrows' 4-H show horse several years ago and he is looking mighty fine.

Ivy and Splash competed in Halter - Splash was difficult and took a nip while the judges were looking. Bad horse! Then Ivy and Pico competed in hunter under saddle, hunt seat eq, hunter hack, and western horsemanship. They had a lovely ride in HUS but the judge didn't use them. Then, after riding a beautiful HSE pattern, they ended on the wrong side of the cone. Pico decided jumping was not on the agenda and refused the straight bars after the cross bar practice and Ivy was very disapointed since they have been practicing. Her last chance for a ribbon was WH and the pattern was very tight, Pico didn't pick up canter and they landed on the wrong side of the cone. Bummer. But dispite being disapointed with no ribbons to show, Ivy and Pico are really improving and look very good together.

Finally, the western events were on Sat. and we had several visitors. Steve appeared and hung out to watch the western classes and then Kale came down from Stillwater. And, Ruthie (w/ brother and cousin) dropped by on their way to Norman for a quick visit. The girls really appreciated their fans stopping by. After WH, with Steve to help, we packed up and escaped much more quickly than normal and got back to the Wild O Ranch by 8pm - in time for a quick swim for the girls while Steve picked up KFC. Fun weekend, even if I didn't get to ride myself. YAYA

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Killer Corgi

Well, the Green Country Classic recognized dressage show hosted by GCC/ODS was this past weekend and from all accounts, was a big success. Patty C and her Dressage Darlings as well as the Rocking C Drill Team had some great rides and the DDs were the 2nd place junior team by just a fraction of a point. Well done girls.

The girls and I went to the Expo a little before 10 am on Friday to help set up the areana and help with other preparations.

The arean set-up was well underway - early because the show management wanted to get a jump start. So, we worked a little and then..... A huge storm blew through - 80 mph winds and driving rain pounding so hard from the west that the noise sounded like some giant monster was tearing off the doors. The Rocking C team was just about to practice and it was a bit tense with kids and horses worried by the storm. The power went out completely until the auxillary lights came on and it sure can get dark in that arena. The wind blew all the panels along the north side of the covered arena completely down and must have dumped 5 inches of water along the north and west side of the arena making unridable mud. Then the storm passed and show set up continued all afternoon.
Later, we had pizza with the competitors and picked up our volunteer shirts which were a lovely lavender this year. The girls and I returned to Expo at 7:30am on Sat to work our 8am to 12:30pm volunteer shift. The girls were running and I was gate. I had 2 great coworkers (paddock persons Carol and Jennifer) and we had a lovely time working in the morning. Then, the afternoon rides started and the girls went in search of DOGS to walk/pet/play with. They found some pomeranians and several seamingly cute corgies. One corgie turned out to be a killer and Ivy got a bite from Wyatt on her wrist that needed 2 stitches at the ER in Owasso. The wait was brief and the attendent very handsom and Ivy recieved her stitches from Dr. Wills who was game to sew her initials along with the stitches (Ivy declined that option). By the time we got back to the arena we had missed most of the afternoon rides but did see the Phantom of the Opera and the Rocking C drill team performances. Kathy B had organized the food for the wine and cheese party and it was YUMMY.

Sunday was a little less wild but had its own twists. Kathy B and Krystal B came over early afternoon to help with the show prep grooming of Pico, Splash and Sunny. Krystal is THE expert groomer/trimmer extrodinaire. I headed over to Owasso to pick up Sister from her vacation at the Copley Horse Resort. Then hoped to get home in time to go with Kathy and Krystal back to Expo to watch Patty and Dante. But, Pico had put his foot through the floor covering the water valve and broke it flooding the barn. So, to Lowes for PVC stuff and Steve was busy bailing water. It is always something.

Kale and one of his room mates Reese arrived just in time for the barn flood action and stayed long enough for tacos and a quick game of Kubb - the new lawn game Steve fixed up for us. Then, just as he was heading back to Stillwater, we noticed a low tire which turned out to have a damaged valve stem - so, back to Stillwater on the Spare and Kale will need to repair the tire and replace the spare. I think I need a NAP. and Equine therapy in a bad way.

We will yaya on Tuesday night with Joan before her surgery on Thursday. The current plan is to meet at Eggberts at 5:30 and to followup with a movie. So, see ya then.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Kathy B is Ranked 6th at Pinto World

Kathy and Just Call On Me (Call) competed in the Amature - Dressage, Training Level Test 1 at Pinto World Championship show today! Yeah! The pair placed 6th in the WORLD! We are all so proud!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

St. Jude Trail Ride

After having to reschedule a couple of times because of rain this spring, the Rogers County 4-H horse club held the annual St. Jude trailride at the Underwood Ranch in Collinsville today. So far, we raised over $900 - Thanks to everyone!

The ride was over lovely rolling pasture as well as up and down a few hills and through several dry creek beds. Lovely and green even though, after weeks of RAIN! we now need some more.

We had a good turnout of about 25 riders and had several horse breeds represented; including a Belgian mare, several Tenn. Walkers, Appaloosas, Walk-a-Loosas, Quarter Horses, Paints, Palominos and a Cremello! A beautiful mix.

My dressage friends were busy at the Summer Dressage Camp, so we didn't have any lessons, but the girls worked their horses Friday and Saturday in the Wild Orban Arena.Ivy is making progress on her jumping and Alaina is really making Sunny look good at his jog. Ruthie was coming out to work Pico on Sunday while we were gone with Sunny, Splash, and Diez to the trail ride - but I forgot that all my tack, including Pico's bridle, are in the trailer with me. So sorry Ruthie, I will try to make it up to you.

Hope to ride a bunch this week again and yaya at Rita's on Thursday night - although we have the Green Country Classic coming up next weekend. YAYA!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Birthday YaYa's and other horse stuff

Lots of horse stuff the last week starting with a birthday yaya ride at Rita's on Thursday evening. Birthday girls Judy and Marion are getting better and better....
Friday morning, Rita gave Ivy and Alaina a riding lesson focused on English position and jumping. Then, we raced home to have Abby, Fletcher and Isabella (granddaughters of Ivy and Alaina's teachers), get a close up visit with some horses. TC was good as was Diez. But... Splash forgot that his feather weight rider was aboard and dropped and rolled with Fletcher - she scrambled out of the way, but was done for the day.

Then Sat. morning... another lesson for both the girls and me. Ivy and Alaina got the 10 am at Patty's and worked on transitions, position, caveletties and JUMPING (for Ivy). Both girls are practicing for the State horse show. Then, the 11Oclock lesson for me and Splash, Carol and Shiloh, Denise and Dee, Kathy and Call, and Marsha and Lil. Call started bucking before Kathy was properly mounted which was a rough start for Kathy's lesson. But, Kathy sucked it up and rode with us for the lesson. I resorted to DER German neck stretcher and Splash was good at the trot and had adequate walk/trot transitions. Of course, his best transitions are to the STOP! Canter transitions were not great and we lost the canter once or twice. But, Splash took the right lead canter both times which is a real improvement since that has been his difficult lead. Leg yielding to the left and then asking for right lead canter is helping. As usual, Splash wore me out before the lesson was done but he seemed to be running out of gas too and it was a humid day.

Then, no time for lunch but off to see Zoe dance at her annual recital. Zoe is quite a dancer and the girls and I were impressed.

Sunday was spent working concessions for the Chris Cox horsemanship seminar. The girls worked from 8:30ato 2:00p and then watched CC ride his highly trained horse. Alaina as very taken with a headstall - so that when they offered a dance contest for one, she was out in the arena doing the 'gator. Who knew my shy girl would do such a thing. Ivy joined her, but they chose a cowboy dancing a jig - it must have been rigged.... The girls suggested the I might have won if I had done a little zumba! but, the beat was wrong.
Finished the weekend de-worming the gang and Ivy got stepped on by big doof Slash. She will survive! We ride at Rita's on Wed this week and I can hardly wait! Yaya!