- I joined Equestrian Life today and built a mini-profile. Right off the bat, I saw an article regarding leg yielding which was interesting and well written. Cruised around the site a little, and it looks like it might be fun to try.
Then, inspired, the gang and I went outside to ride. Kale on Sunny, Ivy on TC, Alaina on Diez and me on Splash. After yesterdays gully washer rain, the arena was still to mucky to do anything more than trotting. So, we wandered around the place ducking tree limbs and leaving big muddy hoof prints. Lovely afternoon and all the horses were good.
Sadly, we were rained out of the party lesson yesterday, so Splash didn't get any real work. Cindy is in town, so we met for lunch at Ron's in Claremore - (Cindy, Donna, Patty, Carol, Paul, Kathy, and me). We dilly-dallied and snarfed on Spanish fries. Yummy. Since Donna and I have some time off this week, we plan on a lesson/lunch on Tuesday. Splash's vacation is done.